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The Wonders of Beer and Making It

Sometimes life aligns in a way that brings into clarity that which you appreciate and value. Yesterday was one of those days for me. For yesterday I brewed a couple batches of beer. Normally not an earth-shattering event (and certainly… Continue Reading →

Another Coffee Joint Goes Beer-y

One of the more interesting trends in recent years is the willingness of cafes to start exploring the beer market as well. In Edmonton The Sugar Bowl, of course, has been a pioneer of this trend, and Calgary has Kawa… Continue Reading →

A Little Razz-a-ma-Tazz from Yukon

Yukon Brewing’s latest seasonal is out, and it is a Raspberry Wheat Ale called Razz-a-ma-Tazz. From what the folks at Yukon say, it is not your usual fruity wheat beer. First, they added some toasted wheat to give it more… Continue Reading →

Admitting it is the First Step…

In the current issue of Planet S, I write a short piece on “guilty pleasures” – in this case about those beer that you secretly don’t mind so much in certain circumstances. The kind of beer you wouldn’t admit to… Continue Reading →

Re-thinking Blondes

I seem to have a theme going these days. Apparently I have a need to admit embarrassing things and re-think long held views on things. My most recent CBC column is a case in point. I, like many beer fans,… Continue Reading →

A Halifax Wrap-Up

Okay, it isn’t really a wrap up, but it does seem a fitting closure to my adventures on the east coast. I have returned to the flatlands of Alberta and just before I flew back, I did a live CBC… Continue Reading →

History, Orwell and My Indulgent Fancies

The good thing about having your own website is that no one can curtail you when you feel like going on a flight of fancy. This is one of those posts. Almost none of you would know that I am… Continue Reading →

The Meaning of Six Pints

As was reported last week in various places (yup, I am not Mr. Breaking News these days…) Molson has set up a separate branch to mess around in the craft beer segment (or maybe more appropriately, the pseudo-craft segment). Their… Continue Reading →

New Beer from Yukon

I owe the good folks at Yukon Brewing an apology. Normally I like to be the first guy to report new beer from prairie (and honourary prairie) brewers. However my Halifax sojourn has interfered with that mission. The Yukon guys… Continue Reading →

Savouring Canada’s Hoppiest Beer

I didn’t make it for the first tapping at 5:00 on Friday, but I have now had a glass (or two) of Hop Mess Monster v.2, which is undoubtedly the hoppiest beer ever brewed in Canada. The proud papa is… Continue Reading →

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