Okay, it isn’t really a wrap up, but it does seem a fitting closure to my adventures on the east coast. I have returned to the flatlands of Alberta and just before I flew back, I did a live CBC beer column from the Hart and Thistle summarizing my observations of beer life in Halifax. The column isn’t one of the most meaty, but it is a fun return to my regular column routine (listen to it here).

The piece briefly jumps over some of my beer highlights during my weeks in that very pub-y town. The preparation for the column allowed me to reflect upon my experience there. And I come away truly feeling like it may have the best pub culture in the country. It is chock full of great pubs, most offering at least a couple of local product on tap. Alexander Keith’s dominates in a fashion like I have never seen, but even through that it was far easier for me to procure a pint of Propeller, Garrison (or St. Ambroise, which isn’t really local) than I have ever experienced in Edmonton (finding local beer, that is).

I also mention my meeting of the Hop Mess, and the lovely time I spent with the folks at Propeller and Garrison. I also make a point of mentioning the fantastic time I had with H&T’s Greg Nash (and the time spent being insulted by their formidable and endearing bar matron Tony).

Halifax is a proud beer city, and I am fortunate to have had so much time to immerse myself in its delights.

And now I return to the prairies, try to re-establish my groove on our scene, replenish my much-depleted homebrew stock and appreciate a place where it doesn’t rain quite so much. I am home and looking forward to a summer of good western beer reminiscing about my Halifax beer times.

We will return to regularly scheduled programming shortly.