So I got around the other night to finally sampling Big Rock’s latest offering, Gopher Lager. They have been trumpeting this beer as their re-entry into world of craft beer, highlighting that it is an all-malt, flavourful lager. Word on… Continue Reading →
So, my latest Vue Weekly column is on news stands now, and it is a bit out of the ordinary. I decided to take a look at a beer that most beer folks in town take for granted. Alley Kat’s… Continue Reading →
Mikkel Borg Bjergs might be the most interesting man in brewing. The owner, brewer, and everything else of Danish brewing upstart Mikkeller certainly produces some interesting, provocative, challenging beer. He most certainly understands what he wants to do – brew… Continue Reading →
Many people envy my job. I get to drink beer and get paid for it. Most of the time it really is a dream gig. However, there are times when I must do what most of you can avoid. A… Continue Reading →
I got around to sampling Neapolean Neapolitan Stout a few days ago, the latest one-time release from the prairie’s only liquor store that produces its own beer, Sherbrooke Liquor (usually produced on their behalf by Alley Kat). The concept is… Continue Reading →
Okay, this isn’t really a Prairie Beer related story, but I drank the beer on the prairies, so that must count for something. A couple of friends were in Hawaii recently and brought me back from Kona Brewing, one of… Continue Reading →
My latest Vue Weekly column ran this past week (I am a little late posting it here as I was too busy judging beer at the Edmonton homebrewing competition). It is a review of Rogue Ales John John Ale –… Continue Reading →
This afternoon was the official opening of Yellowhead Brewing Company, located on 105 Street in downtown Edmonton. They launched themselves with a media event highlighted by an official blessing by the local priest (blessing brewhouses is a German tradition). I… Continue Reading →
After months of snow, cold and icy roads, prairie drivers look forward to the arrival of spring and the beginning of pothole season, where we can test our evasion skills as we try to swerve around the cavalcade of suspension-killing… Continue Reading →
Tonight was the Release Party for Alley Kat’s latest 15th Anniversary release, and I decided to drop on by for a sample and a visit. The place was hopping as the Kats poured tasters of their version of Belgian Tripel,… Continue Reading →