I got around to sampling Neapolean Neapolitan Stout a few days ago, the latest one-time release from the prairie’s only liquor store that produces its own beer, Sherbrooke Liquor (usually produced on their behalf by Alley Kat). The concept is utter brillance – a stout brewed with chocolate, vanilla and strawberry (neapolitan, get it?). The original creative mind behind the beer, homebrewer and beer savant Ernie Boffa, won a gold medal in the specialty category at the 2009 Aurora Brewing Challenge for this beer, and it caught the attention of Jim Pettinger, the mad genius over at Sherbrooke. Jim added the comic twist of associating it with Napoleon and thus the beer was borne. (As an aside – yes – Napoleon’s name is spelled wrong on the label. Sometimes even the best proof-readers miss something.)

I had the great fortune of trying (and judging) Ernie’s homebrew entry last year in the Best of Show round and so I was curious how a commercial version stacked up to his original. It is an interesting enough story to warrant a Vue or CBC column, but I am quite backed up with topics right now, and I fear by the time I get to it for those venues it will be gone. So onbeer.org will have to suffice.

It pours a deep, midnight black with virtually no head, just a thin ring around the edge (I suspect this is a crime caused by the chocolate oils). The aroma is chocolate and dusty cocoa with moderate roasted barley. The flavour offers a bittersweet chocolate upfront followed by a lingering burnt coffee roast at the end. I also get some dark rum raisin notes as well. I detect some background of vanilla but it is subtle. Sadly, the strawberry gets absolutely lost in all the roast and chocolate and stout-i-ness. The finish is moderately sweet and both the cocoa and the roast linger after the swallow.

My memory is that Ernie’s original had more of a tri-flavour impression to it, but even then the strawberry struggled. I think it is too delicate a fruit to compete against the bold footprints of cocoa and roasted barley. However, his version holds my memory for invoking neapolitan ice cream in a way that this new version doesn’t. This one is more of a chocolate stout with some complexity.

I hasten to add that is not a bad thing. It is an enjoyable, assertive stout that will appeal to stout fans, chocolate fans and fans of interesting beer. I am glad to have tried it. Plus the label is pretty funny.

I also suspect that if Napoleon had found homebrewing he wouldn’t have felt the need to march across Europe to prove his manliness (likely one of the many reasons why Ernie is a far nicer person than Napoleon ever was). All he would have to do is brew a kick-ass stout. Which is maybe the real lesson in this beer: homebrewing contributes to world peace.