My latest Vue Weekly submission, on newstands now, is, well, different. The wine columnist and I were given the challenge by our editor of pairing our favourite beverage with four exotic and unusual meats: python, alligator, muskox and kangaroo. I… Continue Reading →
My latest CBC column, which ran April 30, popped up on the CBC site yesterday. In this edition I look at Imperial India Pale Ale (Double ‘I’ PA) and why they have gone from almost unheard of in western Canada… Continue Reading →
My latest CBC column, which aired on April 16, appeared on line today (there can sometimes be a bit of a delay). It was inspired by our recent Medicine Hat trip, where along the highway I kept seeing these over-sized… Continue Reading →
Most people are generally aware that beer has a shelf life; one much shorter than wine or other spirits. But how long can a beer last before the ravages of time take their toll on its lovely frame? The answer,… Continue Reading →
Part two of my Montreal series ran this week in Planet S Magazine and Vue Weekly. I contrast two Montreal breweries with VERY different styles. I have a lot of respect for both. McAuslan Brewery, makers of the St. Ambroise… Continue Reading →
If you ask me, this is one heck of a waste of beer! But according to the CBC in this story, Dean Gunnarson is attempting to be the first person in the world to successfully escape from a vat of… Continue Reading →
My recent trip to Montreal gave me a great deal of material, the beer scene is so strong. My latest raves about the city appear in this week’s Vue Weekly. It is the first of a two-parter. This first installment… Continue Reading →
Apparently today is the beginning of Cask Ale Week in Britain. There are competitions, specials in pubs, and the Independent newspaper is publishing a special supplement. There is even an app for the I-Phone to help you locate the pub… Continue Reading →
What kind of man would intentionally attempt to re-create a harrowing 4-month sea journey around the Cape of Good Hope (Africa) from England to India, just to prove a historical point? A crazy man? Well, he may be that. But… Continue Reading →
Today’s topic in my monthly Beer 101 series is one of my favourite things to talk about because it both educates beer drinkers AND reveals how corporate brewers sometimes put marketing before quality. In the column I discuss how beer… Continue Reading →