My recent trip to Montreal gave me a great deal of material, the beer scene is so strong. My latest raves about the city appear in this week’s Vue Weekly. It is the first of a two-parter. This first installment looks at the brewpubs and beer bars of the city, as well as a profile of the most impressive yet understated beer store in Montreal.

There is some overlap from the CBC column posted a couple of weeks ago, but I have more space in the Vue article, so I can offer more details on the various locations.

Also,in the next couple weeks I hope to create some posts that review some of the beers sampled during my visit, for those of you planning on heading that way sometime soon. I will likely even identify the here-to-fore unnamed scurrilous brewpubs that try to cash in on Montreal’s reputation but produce sub-standard product. Stay tuned.

Read the Vue Weekly column on Montreal, Part One.