No, I am not tardy with a Halloween post, although this does have a Halloween theme. My CBC column last Friday (two days BEFORE the spooky night) was on beer perfect for October 31 sipping. It mostly riffs on appropriately… Continue Reading →
Okay, it is not a bug, it’s a fungus, but you can’t have beer without it. I am talking about yeast – the single celled miracle creature that turns boring barley juice into an elixir worthy of the Gods. My… Continue Reading →
The good folks at CBC Edmonton got a bit behind over the summer with posting my columns to their website. They got around to posting a trio of my summer missives the other day. They offer a range of topics,… Continue Reading →
In my latest Planet S column, I offer some advice on how to get into homebrewing. As I have said before, I have been a homebrewer for 20 years so openly admit that am a proselytizer for the hobby. With… Continue Reading →
TAPS Magazine just released the winners of the 2010 Canadian Brewing Awards (Find the full list here). The only Prairie beer on the list are Yukon Brewing’s Red Ale (gold), Bushwakker Brewpub’s Summer Wheat (bronze) and two light beer from… Continue Reading →
Yukon Brewing (’s honourary prairie brewery) was profiled last week on, a website devoted discussing and reviewing craft beer found in cans (yes, you can find a website devoted to almost anything on the inter-web…). The site does a… Continue Reading →
My latest Vue Weekly column came out the other day. I discuss those little wedges of citrus fruit – lemon, lime or orange – stuck onto the edge of your glass. Why are they there? Do they enhance the flavour… Continue Reading →
My latest Beer 101 is now live, and it takes a look at growing trend toward gluten-free beer. It was a scant few years ago when such a concept was a virtual impossibility in the beer world. Barley is the… Continue Reading →
I accidentally slipped past my latest Vue Weekly missive last week, which was a written version of my Quebec City report. The reality is that when I go on a beer-related trip, everyone gets two, three or even four versions… Continue Reading →
CBC Radio One in Edmonton this morning ran a story (you can listen to the whole story here) claiming that Alberta’s largest liquor store chain, Liquor Depot (who has 15% of all liquor stores in the province), is restricting supplies… Continue Reading →