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Adding $#*! to Stouts

The second part of my CBC series on stouts ran last Friday (listen to it here). The first part laid out the history of stout, described the basic flavours and aromas and broke down the basic sub-styles (Dry, Sweet and… Continue Reading →

Inky Black Delights, Part One

I have been on a bit of a Stout kick lately. I have been sampling new stouts, tweaking my homebrew recipe for the spring brewing season start-up (I brew outside), and generally renewing my love affair with the blackest of… Continue Reading →

Eggs Beer-nedict

Everyone loves a good brunch. A social meal that doesn’t make you get up too early. Hearty, satisfying food. The only thing about brunches that I find a bit dull is the choice of beverage. Champagne and orange juice. Uh,… Continue Reading →

What’s In Your Beer, Anyway?

I have been ruminating on the announcement earlier this week that the beer industry will be exempt from new food labeling rules coming into effect next year. As usual people are quickly lining up on either side of the issue… Continue Reading →

More Beer News

A couple of beer news tidbits today to get you up to date: Little Guy Beer Dinner: Little Guy Liquor in Sherwood Park has quickly proved itself to be a compact version of Sherbrooke, with a focused but impressive selection… Continue Reading →

A Q&A with R&B

You may or may not know that Vancouver’s R&B Brewing recently entered the Alberta market. Indeed, they are the latest B.C. stalwart to attempt to traverse the continental divide and sell some beer in our growing market. Their first shipment… Continue Reading →

Cheap Beer a Human Right?

I was reading the new issue of MacLean’s magazine today (dentists’ waiting offices are useful for something – it was his copy), and there was an editorial titled “Why Is Your Government Standing in the Way of Cheaper Beer?”. It… Continue Reading →

Does the Container Matter?

I have been writing a fair bit lately here at about the effect of packaging, in particular about bottle vs. can. It is an issue that has captured my inquisitive nature. No matter at what level you discuss the… Continue Reading →

Looking Back, Looking Forward

Over the past week or so, in each of my regular columns I did a 2010 Review/2011 Preview kind of thing. I realize mid-January is a bit late to be rolling out one’s new year pieces, but I wanted to… Continue Reading →

Garrison Dispatches Troops to the Prairies

Halifax’s Garrison Brewing Company announced today that a shipment of Garrison product is currently working its way westward and will soon arrive in liquor stores in the prairie provinces. This marks their first ever shipment craft brewer to the west…. Continue Reading →

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