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The Big 1-K and More!

I don’t have to say much about Sherbooke Liquor store on these pages – almost all of you know about who they are, what they do and why they are so important for Edmonton’s beer scene. What you may or… Continue Reading →

Be Open to the World of Fruit Beer, If You Dare

It will surprise you not that I once again blew by my latest Beer 101 column on the Sherbrooke website, which is now almost a month old. (Sorry.) In this/last month’s installment I pondered fruit. You can read it here…. Continue Reading →

Ice-T, Ultra and Other “Lifestyle” Beer

Beer companies have, since at least the invention of beer, tried to link their beer to fun, exciting, cool times. This is old hat. Beer (or at least corporate beer) has always been sold on the basis of lifestyle fantasy… Continue Reading →

What’s Up With Airport Bars?

This past weekend I flew back out to Halifax to spend some time there for the second straight spring. As such cross-Canada trips often necessitate, I spent some time hanging around an airport waiting for a connection. Over the last… Continue Reading →

Three Boars Charges Onto the Scene

Quietly a new beer location opened up on 109 Street in the last week or so. The Three Boars (109 St & 84 Ave) is not a beer mecca, in and of itself, but more of a small, hip, cosmopolitan… Continue Reading →

Olds Home to Canada’s Second Brewermasters Program

Ever dreamed of becoming a brewmaster? I imagine many of you have thought about completing the training to become a brewmaster. But I suspect an equal number of you have hesitated at the prospect of moving to the U.S. or… Continue Reading →

More On Canada’s Beer Personalities

Most of you know I have been developing a theory about the general tendencies of brewers in each part of the country. In short, I argue that each region has its own distinct personality, linked to its history, culture and… Continue Reading →

Small Is Beautiful

A few months ago, when planning for a tasting, I wanted to find an example of a well-made, lower-alcohol beer. The search – and how surprisingly difficult it was to find one – got me thinking. We have become enamoured… Continue Reading →

Stirring the Wort

Over the long weekend, I took a bit of time to get caught up on some online reading, getting to beer blogs I enjoy and haven’t gotten around to hitting in recent days or weeks. During my perusing, I read… Continue Reading →

What Do You Want in a Bitter?

I hosted my monthly beer tasting at the Sugar Bowl last week, doing a selection from Edmonton’s local breweries, Yellowhead, Amber’s and Alley Kat. My Alley Kat choice was their latest in the Big Bottle series, Bitter Truth ESB. As… Continue Reading →

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