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A Pleasant and Insightful Read: Reviewing “Tapping the West”

Releasing a book during COVID-19 must be an author’s nightmare. No real opportunities to promote the book, no in-store sales. Only word of mouth to work with. Not ideal. Such is the case for Scott Messenger, an Edmonton-based writer and… Continue Reading →

Alberta’s Taprooms and Brewpubs Can Open Thursday. Will They?

News came last week that brewery taprooms and brewpubs (along with other licensees except nighclubs) will be included in the first phase of the Alberta government COVID-19 re-opening strategy, with restrictions. This news came as a bit of a surprise… Continue Reading →

Cheers From Afar: A Socially Distant Beer Conversation

A couple weeks ago I sat down (virtually) with Dalen Landis of Grain Bin Brewing in Grande Prairie. During the COVID crisis, he has been doing a series of informal conversations with various local personalities (including the Mayor!), people with… Continue Reading →

Caravel Shuts Brewery, Hopes to Contract Core Brands

A few weeks ago there were rumours flying around the Alberta beer industry that Calgary brewery Caravel Brewing had closed its taproom and the future of the brewery was in doubt. Then the COVID crisis hit and that story quickly… Continue Reading →

A Little Alberta Beer Award Number Crunching

I have had a bit of time in the couple of days following the announcement of the 2020 Alberta Beer Award winners, which you can find here, to do something of an historical analysis of the first three years of… Continue Reading →

2020 Alberta Beer Awards Winners Announced

Tonight, via internet livestream, the winners of the 2020 Alberta Beer Awards were announced. The big winners were Cabin Brewing and Alley Kat Brewing, but there was plenty of celebration to go around. Forty-eight different breweries won medals, showing an… Continue Reading →

AGLC Frees Up Contract Brewing

Late last week the AGLC released a Bulletin (which you can read here) making some amendments to their Liquor Manufacturer Policy. The big news is a relaxing of rules around contract brewing. The timing of the changes is a bit… Continue Reading →

A Conversation with Alley Kat’s New Owners

There have been lots of questions and talk around the recent sale of Edmonton’s Alley Kat to a pair of St. Albert entrepreneurs. You can read the story of the sale here, and my analysis of what it might mean… Continue Reading →

Inside the Monolith

With the forthcoming release of Blind Enthusiasm’s second Monolith beer on March 8, I thought it would be a good time to gaze inside this fascinating operation. I did my last CBC column introducing the Monolith to northern Albertans (which… Continue Reading →

What Went Down at the ABA Judging?

The Family Day long weekend appears to have a new tradition for a couple dozen beer judges and stewards these days. For the third year it has meant leaving family behind and spending the weekend holed up at a brewery… Continue Reading →

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