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The Bearded One Is About Balance

I took some time last night to give Alley Kat’s latest release (just discussed in the latest news digest), Bearded Dragon Imperial Red IPA. Of course, the first thing I and many people note is that they have the gumption… Continue Reading →

April Beer Showers

Only two breweries involved in this edition of the news round-up, but they both make up for it in sheer volume of announcements. Alley Kat last week released a hybrid Big Bottle/Dragon Series beer. Bearded Dragon is an Imperial Red… Continue Reading →

It Takes a Village to Sample Good Beer

As part of my recent visit to Calgary, I made some time to finally swing by Village Brewing. It was my first opportunity to see the young Calgary upstart. I had arranged to meet with co-owner Jim Button, and he… Continue Reading →

Blacks, Whites, Golds and Read All Over

As expected with the melting of the snow comes a spate of new beer news from prairie craft brewers. And so I find myself offering yet another installment of the news digest, with colours dominating the headlines. First up is… Continue Reading →

Big Rock’s Transformation: A Work In Progress

So, I think I admitted earlier I spent much of last week in Calgary. While I was there for non-beer reasons, I found some time to do a bit of beer-related work. As a result there will be a few… Continue Reading →

A Long Tap Line of Beer News

My goodness the last few days have been busy. A large number of new beer news has come across my desk, some official, some through back channels. Either way, as expected early March has been marked by new beer releases… Continue Reading →

A Craft Brewery Boom Coming??

An alert reader drew my attention to this Metro story from a couple of weeks back. It is mostly a fluff piece, but there is one very interesting, almost throw-away line in it: “Since the provincial policies changed in December,… Continue Reading →

RIP Brew Brothers, Vive Last Best and Other News

The big prairie news this week is the announced closure tomorrow (February 28) of Brew Brothers Brewery. The longtime Calgary operation opened its doors in 1994, making it the oldest of Alberta’s craft brewers. It had fallen on difficult times… Continue Reading →

Alberta Small Brewers and the Federal Budget

Buried in the mountains of paper of the federal budget the other day were two small announcements that will positively affect craft beer fans. First, the government announced that it would remove restrictions on inter-provincial transportation of beer and liquor…. Continue Reading →

Brewing Equipment and New Beer

Brewing equipments dominates the prairie beer news this week, plus one new beer and a beer I neglected to mention a couple of weeks ago. I know news of fermenters and brewhouses is hardly scintillating stuff, but it is a… Continue Reading →

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