Okay. The big boys have just reached a new low. Mind you it is not in Canada yet – emphasis on the yet. But, still. Come on. Really?

My disbelief is due to the recent announcement by Molson-Coors UK that they are releasing a new beer in England marketed to women. It is called Animee, and it comes in three different versions. The press release proclaims that only 21% of women drink beer, and this beer is designed to draw more of them into appreciating the heavenly elixir (my words, not theirs). Okay, up to this point it is slightly suspicious but not outrageous.

Then they drop the p-bomb. The beer is PINK. Really? Mind you, they call it “crisp rose”, but it looks pink to me. They don’t explain what makes it pink, but they do say pink appeals to female drinkers, along with the light, refreshing taste (read: flavourless) and the lighter 4% alcohol. To be fair, the beer also comes in “zesty lemon” yellow and “clear-filtered” water colour (really, it has no colour). To be unfair, I can’t imagine that the colour makes a whit of difference. It is all bland, sweet and mostly marketing. Pick whatever colour you want, it is the same beer.

However, they are pushing the pink. So let’s take pink seriously. When I think of pink and beer, I get mad. If I were a women I would be a tactical nuclear penguin (translation: really, really mad). Who are they kidding? Either they think women are fools – hey, girls, this drink is pink, so you must like it! – or they are doing the beer version of jumping the shark. I fear it is the former. When will the marketing types learn? You can’t sell skeptical women on beer by froofing it up. You can only do it by figuring out what women like in beer and making a good version of that. Women do like fruitier beer. That is a reality. So make a high quality fruit wheat beer that will both appeal to women AND not embarrass your core market. And God forbid you try to move women into beer that they haven’t experienced. I have many times moved women to substantial and flavourful beer. It is not a large jump. Most women are very smart and very appreciative of quality.

But back to pink. It is an insult. It insults me as a beer guy, and, more importantly, it insults women. And it is yet the latest demonstration that the corporate brewers have lost their soul. The beer gender gap is real. There are many ways to work on reducing it. However, our corporate friends constantly need the quick fix and go for a shallow, misguided approach that is destined to fail – and Animee WILL fail – rather than spend the hard slogging hours turning women toward beer by producing good beer.

The whole pink thing is a sad omen for where the big boys are going in the next couple of years. I know it won’t affect most of us, as we have long since abandoned the corporates, but we cannot lose sight that 95% of beer drinkers stick to the big boys. Which is not to mention those who are beer-uncertain. They still matter. And when the big boys do stupid stuff like this, it affects us all.

Fight the pink!!