My latest column in Planet S is out this week. and in it a take a step or two back. I decided to write up a quick column on the difference between lager and ale and how it affects the flavour of beer. I also try to dispel some myths, such as ales are hoppier and lagers have to be pale.

I know for most of you this is more rudimentary than the basics, but consider that at beer tastings and events it is possibly the most common question I get from people who are newly beer curious. There are tons of people out there who are confused about the difference. I believe that is in large part due to the massive misinformation campaigns (sometimes called advertising) that the big brewers do. They love to mislabel beer and misappropriate historical distinctions. Our good friend Mr. Keith is only the most obvious. They all do it.

So no wonder the average consumer is unclear what the difference is. Thus the motivation for this month’s Planet S column. Nothing special there, but I think it takes a good stab at making the distinction clear, and – more importantly – how it might shape our beer tasting experiences. The beer examples are shaped by what is readily available in Saskatchewan, so they are admittedly a bit pedestrian. Feel free to come up with your own, better, examples.

So give it a read if you are so inclined. Or better yet, forward it to a friend who is still a bit confused on the topic.