Just back from San Fran last night. Need a day or two to process my thoughts about the American Craft Brewers Conference. In the meantime, you can occupy yourselves by reading my latest Planet S missive – a second piece (for them) on stouts. Regular readers of this website are likely getting bored by my stout ramblings. While all are written uniquely, I appreciate the content can get a bit repetitive. But it really is one of my favourite styles and even repetitive beer talk is better than no beer talk at all. If you’re bored, see if you find any secret messages embedded into the article (a la A Beautiful Mind).

You may also notice I omitted Russian Imperial Stout from the Saskatchewan version. That is because, to my knowledge, the province doesn’t really have a readily accessible version that is any decent (Bushwakker’s doesn’t count). Plus, it may be a strong enough story by itself that if they ever do get one I can do a whole column on it – just to bore regular onbeer.org readers even more…

Back soon with news from San Fran.