Most beer fans know all about Anchor Steam Beer and Fritz Maytag’s key role in resurrecting that classic California Common beer style (which is really Steam Beer, but Maytag – on a less helpful day – patented the term). Fewer know that Anchor is also quite important in the resurrection of Porter – the 1700s mega-beer that had disappeared entirely by the mid-part of the 20th century. Porters live in that wonderful world between brown ales and stouts. They are meatier and roastier than a brown ale, but not as dark and burnt as a stout.

At any rate, Anchor Porter recently stumbled into Alberta. Whether it was a one-time shipment or a new regular addition, I am not yet sure. I had to pick some up to try, and it was an impressive beer. So, as I get to do these kind of things, I wrote up a review on it, which is published today in Vue Weekly. You can check out the whole review here.