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Straight Up Good Beer Folding Mountain’s Goal

It is a long drive to Jasper. Having done it more times than I can count, I know. And usually just past Hinton I find I get impatient with the highway, the time and the bursting bladder. However, at that… Continue Reading →

Beau’s Meets Alberta

I have long respected Beau’s All Natural, a fast-growing Ottawa-area brewery. On a trip to Ontario a number of years ago I got to try their flagship Lug Tread Lagered Ale (which really is a Kolsch in disguise) and quickly… Continue Reading →

Big Plans Afoot at Little Brown Jug

Take one smart, motivated economist desiring to return to his hometown, mix in one derelict heritage building in downtown Winnipeg and then add beer. Viola! A recipe for Little Brown Jug Brewing. Little Brown Jug just officially opened their doors… Continue Reading →

Small Brewery, Big Picture is Rocky View’s Vision

Lyle Thorsen’s wife was thrilled when he told her he wanted to open a brewery. Many partners might be nervous that he was thinking of quitting his lucrative job in the oil patch or was planning to place a second… Continue Reading →

4th Meridian First in the Hearts of Lloydminster

They are, without debate, Alberta’s most eastern brewery. 4th Meridian Brewing opened its doors (just outside) Lloydminster a few weeks ago. You can’t get more east in Alberta without finding yourself in Saskatchewan. Which is why 4th Meridian is called… Continue Reading →

OGC Aiming to be One Great Brewery

Anyone who is of a certain vintage will remember driving into Winnipeg and being greeted by the blue and gold signs proclaiming Winnipeg to be “One Great City”. Those of a younger age (thankfully I straddle both!) will recognize the… Continue Reading →

High Line is Lining Up Good, Local Beer

The three guys behind Calgary’s newest brewery, High Line Brewing, want to say that their story is nothing special.  “The story has been told many times, it is like everyone else,” says J.J. Mathison. “The law changed in 2013 [removing… Continue Reading →

Malty National Set to Conquer the World – Not!

“This is an industry dominated by large corporations pretending to be small and local. We are a tiny little brewery pretending to be a large corporation.” You gotta love that kind of irreverent attitude. Those are the words of Kelsey… Continue Reading →

Hell’s Basement Aims to Brew Up Beer Heaven

Most people don’t know that Alberta’s first brewery opened in the southern city of Medicine Hat. Thomas Ireland opened Saskatchewan Brewery in 1882 on 2nd Street downtown. Ireland’s brewery lasted 5 years before closing. Another 26 years passed before a… Continue Reading →

Prairie Dog Aims to be Local Mainstay

Calgary is about to have a new brewpub, even if they don’t know it yet. Prairie Dog Brewing Company is working on building a destination brewpub near the downtown core. It is the creature of four partners, Gerad Coles, Tyler… Continue Reading →

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