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Oldman the New Kid on the Beer Block

If I were to ask you where Lundbreck was, I am pretty confident you wouldn’t really know. As it works out it is a small hamlet on the Crowsnest Highway between Pincher Creek and the towns that make up the… Continue Reading →

Town Square to be a Gathering Place for Beer

Three committed families and a big vision can accomplish a lot. That is the case of Town Square Brewing, opening this summer in south Edmonton. Three sets of couples (and their young kids) are the people behind Edmonton’s newest brewing… Continue Reading →

Zero Issue Has One Goal – Good Beer

You might think the MacDonald brothers, Mark and Kirk, named their soon-to-open Calgary brewery, Zero Issue Brewing, to communicate trust that their beer would have zero issues with quality or satisfaction. If you did, you would be wrong. To understand… Continue Reading →

New Brewery Hopes to be as Strong as an Oxus

It is a long way from Tajikistan to Winnipeg. But that is the path that has led Sean Shoyoqubov, owner of Oxus Brewing in Manitoba’s capital city, to his current endeavours. Shoyoqubov emigrated to Canada six years ago and chose… Continue Reading →

Piling Up Good Beer the Focus of Pile O’ Bones

Its amazing what can happen when four avid homebrewers stumble across a commercial brewing system. About a year ago Glenn Valgardson, David Freeman, Brent Babyak and Josh Morrison, who are all longtime homebrewers and stalwarts of Regina’s Ale and Lagers… Continue Reading →

A Brazen Plan to Create a Great Brewpub

Kristjan Kristjansson, owner of the soon-to-open Winnipeg brewpub, Brazen Hall Kitchen and Brewery, literally grew up in the restaurant business. His dad, Thrainn Kristjansson, ran the Round Table Steakhouse and Pub, which had been a staple of the Winnipeg food… Continue Reading →

Farm to Glass is the Goal of Farmery Brewery

This is an odd profile for me to write. Normally I write about breweries that have just opened or are still in the planning stages. Farmery Estate Brewery has been around for six years or so, at least in a… Continue Reading →

Hub Town to be the Centre of Things in Okotoks

I have a suspicion that the friends and family of Lisa and Mark Watts knew it would lead to this. From the sounds of it this life-loving couple are always on the go, always coming up with new adventures and… Continue Reading →

History and Place Define Medicine Hat Brewing

Back in 1913 there was a brewery called Medicine Hat Brewing Co. It lasted until 1920. A second incarnation was attempted between 1925 and 1927 but ultimately failed. The city’s third iteration of Medicine Hat Brewing opened its doors on… Continue Reading →

Sample-Worthy Beer Expected Soon from Elbeck Brews

Edmonton’s newest “almost” brewery officially got its license to sell beer last week. Sure, they don’t have beer ready yet, but that will be coming next month or so – you have to get your ducks lined up after all…. Continue Reading →

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