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Good Beer Under the Radar at Undercurrent

Sylvan Lake is not seen as a craft beer hot spot, but that may soon change. Rumblings have it there are some things afoot in the central Alberta town located just west of Red Deer on the popular lake of… Continue Reading →

Origin’s Original Approach to Opening a Brewery

We all know the standard craft beer story. Longtime homebrewer (or professional brewer toiling for another brewery) has a vision of starting their own brewery. The pour their passion for beer into getting the new brewery off the ground and… Continue Reading →

Four New Breweries, Four New Ideas

I have mentioned that I did a mini-beer tour last week, hitting Calgary and other points along Highway Two over two days hitting some breweries that have recently opened. In addition to Red Shed (read about that visit here) and… Continue Reading →

Beer Bragging Begins Soon for Bragg Creek

One of the cool things about how Alberta’s craft beer scene is expanding is that the growth isn’t just in the big cities. New operations in small centres are popping up across the province. And for some strange reason, many… Continue Reading →

Heavenly Beer the Goal of Stone Angel

Manitoba’s rapidly expanding beer scene is about to be one more brewery richer. Stone Angel Brewing aims to officially open its doors in August. But as of this month you can get an advance taste of their first flagship beer… Continue Reading →

Be Sure to Get a Hold of Some Freehold

Passionate commitment to Alberta meets culinary artistry meets craft beer, all in a heritage building. Welcome to Freehold Brewing, one of the roster of breweries slated to open in Calgary in the coming months. Freehold is the creation of Matt… Continue Reading →

Calgary’s Summit Brewing Reaching for New Heights

Over the last few weeks some of you may have seen an unusual beer pouring in selected bars in Edmonton and Calgary. Something called Finnigan’s Irish Pale Ale, which is not a style we are used to seeing. It is… Continue Reading →

Elbeck and the Lure of Contract Brewing

They may not have an address, but Elbeck Brews officially has beer. I profiled Edmonton’s fledgling contract brewery on my CBC column on Friday. You can listen to it here. This is a follow-up of my initial introduction on this… Continue Reading →

Taking Beer to a New Level

What happens when two guys with a bunch of degrees between them and a couple Olds Brewmaster certificates decide to start a brewery? I think it would look something like New Level Brewing. New Level will soon be the latest… Continue Reading →

Farm to Glass is Siding 14’s Project

Every brewery in Alberta likes to brag that the province grows some of the best malting barley in the world. For good reason, because it is true. But most breweries are simply the lucky recipients of the farmers’ (and maltsters’)… Continue Reading →

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