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May the Beer Be with You

By now most beer fans will have heard about Vulcan Ale, the collaboration beer between Pluto’s Moon Beer Company and CBS Television (the rights holder to Star Trek), contract brewed at Harvest Moon Brewing. Actually the business arrangement is more… Continue Reading →

A Pleasant Summer Sipper

Sometimes beer takes you to unexpected places. This summer I have fallen under the spell of a light, fruity beer (yes, Virginia, I said fruity) that seems ideal for summer sipping. This is no blueberry wheat beer or some such… Continue Reading →

Galena Gold

The latest Alley Kat Dragon single hop double IPA is Gold Dragon, using Galena hops. It has been out for a few weeks now, my sampling of it delayed by my Europe trip. I did finally get around to taking… Continue Reading →

Style Bending

A little while ago I picked up a bottle of the collaboration beer Hopfen-Weissen between Brooklyn and Schneider. I tried it on a lark, not sure whether it would be more like a White IPA, with its pleasant blend of… Continue Reading →

A Cut Above, But Still Not Enough

A few months back I reported that Belgian Beer Cafe opened in the Edmonton International Airport. This corporate-owned Belgian themed restaurant  was a mildly interesting announcement at the time, but it hardly seemed worth making a beeline for it, especially… Continue Reading →

Two New Beer, One Hot-Off-The-Presses Review

I am usually a bit tardy getting around to sampling new releases, what with life busy-ness, being too lazy to trek to the liquor store and wanting to watch consumption levels. Often I don’t get to a new beer until… Continue Reading →

Gluten in Beer? Pshaw!

A couple of years back I assembled a panel of friends who had various degrees of gluten intolerance to test out the gluten-free beer on the market. It seemed only fair since at the time the handful of products available… Continue Reading →

A Six-Pack of Beer Reviews

I have fallen behind in my reviews of recent prairie beer. It is a consequence of my busy life, I am afraid. So, in an attempt to catch up quickly, I am going to offer a post with a handful… Continue Reading →

Lumberjacks, Birkenstocks and An Out There IPA

Lundy, my beer mail pal from B.C. recently sent me a care package of various west coast beer not available on the prairies. One of the bottles was a beer from the small upstart Tofino Brewing on Vancouver Island. I… Continue Reading →

Suds and Solidarity!

My Vue Weekly column this week (which you can read here) is a review of Brooklyn Brewery’s Local 2, a Belgian Dark Strong ale. I remember trying Local 1 a few years back and being quite impressed with it. Given… Continue Reading →

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