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The British (Columbia) Invasion

Over the past couple months I have noticed a fascinating trend on Alberta liquor store shelves. There has been a rather large increase in the number of B.C.-based breweries arriving in the province. I have counted about a dozen new… Continue Reading →

Steam Whistle Gets Injunction Against Mark-Up Policy

Yesterday at the Court of Queen’s Bench, Steam Whistle Brewing out of Toronto was granted a temporary injunction against the new Alberta mark-up policy established in the fall provincial budget (read about the policy here). Here is the Canadian Beer… Continue Reading →

AGLC Reverses Tap Cleaning Ban

A few weeks back I reported that the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (AGLC) had ruled that tap line cleaning was considered an inducement and therefore a prohibited activity by breweries and agents (read post for full details). I learned… Continue Reading →

Cleaning Tap Lines Now Considered an Inducement

Earlier this week I received a copy of a letter from the AGLC to all beer industry representatives issuing a policy interpretation. The letter (which you can read here) states that, after some investigation, the AGLC has ruled that when… Continue Reading →

A Post-Script on the New Mark-Up Policy

Since my post on Wednesday on the Alberta budget and the change to mark-up rates (see here) I have been trying to keep my mouth shut and let readers say what they want to say in the comments section. After… Continue Reading →

Alberta Shifts the Beer Playing Field

Most of the coverage of yesterday’s Alberta provincial budget, the first by the new NDP government, focused on the deficit, the pledge to create jobs and protect services, and their infrastructure spending. However, hidden in the details was a decision… Continue Reading →

Brewing Up an Ethical Brewery

It will come as no surprise to regular readers of this website that I bring a bit of social conscience to my passion for good beer. I believe beer is a product that can be made with an eye to… Continue Reading →

Beer Geeks and More on the News Roundup

It has been a fairly quiet few weeks on the prairie beer front, but I figured it was time for a quick round-up to get us all caught up. The most noteworthy bit of news is likely the 4th Annual… Continue Reading →

CTF Weighs in on Beer Mark-Ups

Last Friday in the Calgary Herald, Paige MacPherson, Alberta Director of the Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation (CTF), wrote a guest column taking the Alberta Small Brewers’ Association (ASBA) to task for its position around beer mark-up rates. You can read the… Continue Reading →

What the Alberta Budget Means for Beer

Last week’s Alberta budget, as the whole world already knows, increased liquor taxes. A case of beer in Alberta will cost 90 cents more than a week earlier. I know no one is particularly happy to pay more for their… Continue Reading →

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