Most of the coverage of yesterday’s Alberta provincial budget, the first by the new NDP government, focused on the deficit, the pledge to create jobs and protect services, and their infrastructure spending. However, hidden in the details was a decision… Continue Reading →
News broke on Friday that AB-Inbev is purchasing Toronto’s Mill Street Brewing for an undisclosed amount (there are a number of sources, but I will direct those interested to Canadian Beer News‘ piece on the story – read here). Reaction,… Continue Reading →
Alberta’s first official craft beer week is now over. I imagine exhausted brewery salespeople and brewers are looking forward to a return to a normal work week after the frenetic activities of last week. Not to mention giving beer fan’s… Continue Reading →
So ladies and gents, get ready for Alberta’s first official Alberta Beer Week (my preference would be to call it Alberta Craft Beer Week, but I will let go of that for now). The fun begins this Friday in Calgary… Continue Reading →
In the midst of all the new IPAs and barrel-aged beer being promised by the prairies’ new breweries, it is a noticeable change of pace to talk to about a proposed brewery that is going to stick to traditional styles…. Continue Reading →
It has been a fairly quiet few weeks on the prairie beer front, but I figured it was time for a quick round-up to get us all caught up. The most noteworthy bit of news is likely the 4th Annual… Continue Reading →
The trend is unmistakable, even for someone as thick as I am. Cans are in, big time. Beer cans, of course, have been around for decades. But for most of that time, they have been the sole domain of mainstream… Continue Reading →
Alberta will finally have a Craft Beer Week. The Alberta Small Brewers’ Association announced yesterday the launch of the province’s first official Beer Week from September 25 to October 3. It will be bookended by the Alberta Beer Festival’s Calgary… Continue Reading →
Most craft breweries start in a pub or a homebrewery, with a couple of beer passionate people talking about taking their hobby professional. It is not very often when a brewery starts in a classroom. But that is exactly what… Continue Reading →
Using a number of matrices, Manitoba’s craft beer scene lags other places in Canada. They have the fewest craft breweries and not a single brewpub to be found anywhere. The good news is that things are changing. I profiled recently… Continue Reading →