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Yukon Sports a New Look

Onbeer’s honorary prairie brewery, Yukon Brewing, has just completed a redesign of a number of its labels. New artwork has been done for the Lead Dog and the Cranberry Wheat, giving them a simiar feel as the other mainstays. They… Continue Reading →

Labatt to be Brewed at Molson

All I can say is “Holy Poor Public Image, Batman!” to this bit of news. Today the blog Canadian Beer News reports (apparently getting it from the Toronto Star) that Labatt brands destined for the U.S. market will from now… Continue Reading →

Granville Island Returns to Alberta

It is official. After months of rumours, I have received confirmation that Granville Island is returning to Alberta. In fact three of their beer hit liquor store shelves last weekend or will sometime this week. This is actually pretty interesting… Continue Reading →

A Look at Beer Prices

Reported in the Edmonton Sun today: Alberta has the highest beer prices in the country; Manitoba has the lowest. This surprises me not in the least, but it gives me a good opportunity to muse about beer pricing. First, what… Continue Reading →

Canadians Willing To Drop Import Beer

A story in this morning’s Edmonton Journal, connected to a larger piece talking about a new poll showing Canadians are increasingly concerned about our health, publishes numbers showing 2 out of 3 Canadians would give up imported beer to reduce… Continue Reading →

Beer 101: The Other Beer Grains

A common sport among beer geeks is to bash the big boys for their ubiquitous use of “adjuncts” in their beer – corn, rice and even glucose-fructose syrup. The reason for the derision is, so the story goes, the corporate… Continue Reading →

Folk Fest Changes CBC’s Beer Schedule

Hi folks. For those of you who care about these things, my regular Friday CBC column, slated for tomorrow, is temporarily changing time slots – just for this Friday only. The reason is RadioActive is doing their show live at… Continue Reading →

The Touchy Subject of Over-Imbibing

Another Planet S column appeared this week (much to my surprise – as it was supposed to be the issue without me). It was a piece written for the Summer Drinks issue but got bumped for lack of space. It… Continue Reading →

One More Ode to Sour

I know. I know. Regular readers of my website might be growing tired of my ongoing homages to Cantillon, but spare me one last post – as my latest Vue Weekly column highlights the sweet tartness of these Lambic gems…. Continue Reading →

Bud’s Clydesdales Come to Edmonton

It is not often that a marketing icon comes to the prairies, but yesterday the famous Budweiser Clydesdales came to town. These majestic, six foot, 1,000-kilogram, flare-panted horses have been a symbol of Budweiser for generations. I remember as a… Continue Reading →

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