Late on Friday, Molson announced that it was de-listing Carling Black Label Big Ten from Alberta. For those of you unfamiliar with this beer (and I expect that is most of you) this is a cheap, high alcohol (10.1%) beer… Continue Reading →
For a number of years now, Alberta liquor stores have had a a good selection of craft beer from B.C. (Howe Sound, Central City, Cannery, Nelson and, recently, Phillips) and Quebec (Dieu Du Ciel, Charlevoix, Trois Mousquetaires). Of course there… Continue Reading →
My column in the current issue of Planet S Magazine revisits a longstanding beef of mine – date codes. I have never understood why breweries feel the need to mask the production/best before date in a jumble of letters and… Continue Reading →
So, this is a day late and a few dollars short, but this morning CBC posted my most recent column online. In honour of Super Bowl weekend, I humbly offered an alternative to the oceans of Bud and Bud Light… Continue Reading →
The intrepid folks up at Yukon Brewing have for many years produced a variety of seasonal and one-off beer. Alas, they have always been reserved for their loyal local customers in the Territory. Which means those of us South of… Continue Reading →
So after a disturbingly warm season to date, Alberta was smacked with full frontal winter last week. Some complain, but I see it as just part of the price of living in the ungodly north. Bundle up and you are… Continue Reading →
This will come as no surprise to any of you, but it is a real pet peeve of mine to see ads that over-hype a beer, or, worse, come up with complete pretend concepts just to sell beer (microcarbonation, anyone?)…. Continue Reading →
For the past couple of months, my CBC columns have not been posted on their website. This is due mostly to RadioActive being a bit shorthanded. It is a bit of a shame, as the rest of my beer personality… Continue Reading →
As we (or at least those of us who doggedly stick to analog date keepers) poise to toss our old calendar in the recycling bin and replace it with a new collection of 12 wildlife scenes / political posters /… Continue Reading →
The holiday season is one of those times when other aspects of life take a back seat, even if just for a couple of days. It is the only period where we are given permission to drop everything and just… Continue Reading →