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Why This Is Not an Industry Crisis

There have been four brewery closures in Alberta in the last six months. In recent weeks I have had multiple conversations with people worried that this is a signal that the beer industry is falling back. It’s not. And here… Continue Reading →

Coulee Brewing Ceases Production

It has become clear over the past 48 hours that Lethbridge’s Coulee Brewing has ceased production at its brewery. Details remain sketchy, but it is clear Coulee is ending its production brands. I have been unable to communicate with anyone… Continue Reading →

What to Learn from Brewery Closures?

The prairie provinces now have over 150 operating breweries and have been growing at a mindblowing pace in the past five years. The industry is remarkably different from when I first took on being an industry observer a decade or… Continue Reading →

Get Your Onbeer Events Here!

So, as I rev back up my involvement in the beer world, I am returning to many of my old activities, such as my CBC Radio column, and finding some new ones to try on. This continues to evolve but… Continue Reading →

The Growlery Growls Out of the Gate

There are a lot of new breweries opening in the province these days. Enough that I can’t really keep up. But I am trying to make sure I catch the ones opening in the Edmonton region – my home town… Continue Reading →

Casking the Day Away

You had me at “Real Ale”. The annual Edmonton Beer Geek’s Anonymous Real Ale Festival took place last Saturday. After missing last year’s it was nice to make it back to my favourite party in a rink. (Really, it is… Continue Reading →

What do Alberta’s Markup Changes Mean for the Industry?

Yesterday, a sleepy Thursday afternoon in August, the Alberta government put out a press release announcing new changes to Alberta’s beer markup program, as reported by Canadian Beer News (here). They are yet to post the release on the government… Continue Reading →

The Hammer’s Beer Revolution

Last week I was in Hamilton for a few days, where I lived for a year while doing my Masters degree 15 years or so ago (God, I am old!). On this trip I was doing family stuff, so there… Continue Reading →

Getting Clear about Hazy Beer

I have been spending a fair bit of time recently thinking a lot about hazy beer. Why is it becoming such a thing? What makes for a good one? Where did it come from? My musings have resulted in a… Continue Reading →

The Times They Are a Changin’: Minhas Joins ASBA Board

The Alberta Small Brewers Association (ASBA) announced in their newsletter last week that Manjit Minhas, the sister half of the sibling duo behind Minhas Brewing, has joined the ASBA Board of Directors. I would be lying to you if I… Continue Reading →

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