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Drink Easy, My Friends

My latest Planet S column takes a bit of a different tack around beer (read it here). My job often involves drinking intense, complex beer. I truly appreciate the opportunity to sample a one-off, out-there beer knowing it is a… Continue Reading →

More on the Alberta Policy Review

Last fall I reported on how the Alberta government was reviewing Alberta’s beer mark-up policy. In short, they were re-examining the lower rates for beer made by small producers in Alberta and for beer imported into Alberta from mid-sized breweries… Continue Reading →

Science Says: Beer Equals Culture

The scientists have finally figured out what any self-respecting beer drinker has known for eons – that beer is a civilized and civilizing drink. On the weekend an article ran in the Edmonton Journal and elsewhere (here is the story)… Continue Reading →

Mulling Over Tap Takeovers

Clearly Tap Takeovers are the new thing in Alberta these days. A couple of years ago, such a thing wasn’t heard of – a single brewery temporarily seizing a portion of an establishment’s tap lines (well except for the corporate… Continue Reading →

Pubbing in Old St. John’s

Just before Xmas, I got an opportunity to head to St. John’s for a few days. I didn’t mention it at the time because I decided it would make a nice set of columns. And it did, as you can… Continue Reading →

A Time and Place

I went to the final of the Brier last night down at the concrete circle I stubbornly still call Northlands Coliseum. While the game was not that great (although Stoughton’s spin-a-rama to concede the game was highly entertaining), I did… Continue Reading →

Singling Out Keith’s New Hop Ales

In yesterday’s Globe and Mail, there was a puff piece extolling the latest in the corporate brewers’ manoeuvrings (read the article here). Labatt (AB-Inbev), makers of the Alexander Keith’s line of faux-craft beer, this spring is launching two new Keith’s… Continue Reading →

Announcing New Labatt Oxymoron

Okay, today I was going to write about something else – likely my latest Vue Weekly column – but an announcement from Labatt Canada has me so frustrated I have to vent it, lest I trash my upcoming Family Day… Continue Reading →

Valentine’s and Beer

So tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. Hopefully you have something romantic planned with your sweetheart (or, if you don’t have one currently are planning on treating yourself anyway). What ever it is you have cooked up, allow me to suggest that… Continue Reading →

Save Our (Their) Pubs!

How different things are across the Pond. Last week the Globe and Mail ran a story about the ongoing loss of pubs in Britain, and what some municipalities are doing to protect them. What caught my eye is that the… Continue Reading →

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