I haven’t chatted about Winnipeg’s Half Pints recently. It is not like they have fallen out of favour with me or anything, or that they aren’t continually finding new things to do. It is just that most of their latest… Continue Reading →
Time for another quick beer news roundup before it all gets away on me. Some new beer, word of a new brewery and more beer events fill up this edition. So, let’s get right to it. First up, tomorrow Alley… Continue Reading →
Winters are supposed to be the slow season for beer. Sales are down due to the weather. It is a chance for craft brewers to catch their breath, do some maintenance and clear out the backlog of paper work. Apparently… Continue Reading →
It may only be January 2, but it is not too early to offer some thanksgiving for the bounty the prairies provide. I had an opportunity over the holiday season to crack open a bottle of Half Pints’ Demeter’s Harvest,… Continue Reading →
I thought I had caught up with the beer releases this month. Each of the prairie breweries had rolled out, or announced, their fall/winter seasonals. But then Alley Kat and Half Pints go along and surprise us with a couple… Continue Reading →
So in my absence there were a few new beer developments on the prairies. So, as I re-start things around here, let’s do a quick run-down on beer news. Alley Kat Brewing had three, count ’em, three new releases last… Continue Reading →
Due to my life pre-occupations I have fallen a bit out of the loop about the goings-on with the prairie breweries outside Alberta. So I thought I would make up for it with a bit of a run-down on some… Continue Reading →
I know I missed a lot during my absence. Funny how the prairie brewers didn’t close up shop upon my departure eastside. Instead they kept brewing, the presumptuous imps. What do they think they are – entrepreneurs? At any rate,… Continue Reading →
A report in the Winnipeg Free Press late last week reveals that the Manitoba government is going to amend its liquor control act to loosen a number of its restrictions on the production and sale of alcohol. From my reading,… Continue Reading →
Half Pints’ Dave has a very punk attitude to life. And to beer. Relaxed,generous, self-confident, good humoured, a bit irreverent and not afraid to be in your face if the moment requires it. And he proves it time and time… Continue Reading →