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Random Acts of Beerness: Beer Guides and Beer Weeks

Welcome to the second installment of Random Acts of Beerness, my occasional effort to update people on beer happenings on the prairies in a rather random, haphazard way (read here for an explanation of its origins). Your Guide to the… Continue Reading →

Welcome to Random Acts of Beerness

When I started this website over 6 years ago (!!) it was with two explicit functions. First,it was an outlet for writing, observations and ramblings that couldn’t fit into my regular columns. Second, and most importantly, it was going to… Continue Reading →

Nonsuch Brewing about to Set Sail

I think Winnipeg may be the site of Canada’s quietest beer explosion. A spate of breweries have just opened (including Barn Hammer and Peg Brewing) or are about to (such as Torque Brewing), but no one has been talking about… Continue Reading →

Prairie Breweries Score Modestly at CBAs

The results of the 2016 Canadian Brewing Awards were announced Saturday night in Vancouver (see the full results here). As usual, B.C. breweries won an disproportionate number of medals, with Ontario falling second. However, perusing the list I was pleasantly… Continue Reading →

April Showers Bring May New Beer

Someone really should tell prairie breweries to chill their heels and stop being so darned busy and productive. Just kidding. But I am constantly amazed these days at justĀ  how much stuff is going on with craft beer in the… Continue Reading →

All the Beer News That’s Fit to Drink

Over the past couple weeks a huge amount of beer news has piled, not even counting the ongoing debate about Alberta’s mark-up policy (read here if you have missed it). So here is the latest rundown of what is happening… Continue Reading →

Your First News Round-Up of 2016

As readers nurse their New Years’ Eve hangovers, I thought it might help get your mind off your headache to give you the latest news from breweries around the prairies. Another new round of beer you can try as hair… Continue Reading →

Your Pre-Xmas Beer News

It has been less than a month since my last news round-up, but with the list of updates and news I have to cover today, you would think it was months since my last news post. And I suspect we… Continue Reading →

And Back to Regular Beer News…

Obviously the big news in the beer scene on the prairies this month has been the change to Alberta’s mark up regime. But I have said enough about that (in case, somehow, you missed it, you can read here and… Continue Reading →

A Fall Kaleidoscope of Beer News

I haven ‘t done a news round up in a while, so it might be time to get to one. The news has piled up a bit in the round-up’s absence. Keep in mind there are still the last couple… Continue Reading →

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