News came last week that brewery taprooms and brewpubs (along with other licensees except nighclubs) will be included in the first phase of the Alberta government COVID-19 re-opening strategy, with restrictions. This news came as a bit of a surprise… Continue Reading →
A few weeks ago there were rumours flying around the Alberta beer industry that Calgary brewery Caravel Brewing had closed its taproom and the future of the brewery was in doubt. Then the COVID crisis hit and that story quickly… Continue Reading →
Earlier this week (April 15, 2020), Beer Canada, the beer industry trade and lobby organization, released its annual Industry Trends 2019 report. The statistical report offers up a snapshot of where beer in Canada is sitting. Sort of. I normally… Continue Reading →
With the forthcoming release of Blind Enthusiasm’s second Monolith beer on March 8, I thought it would be a good time to gaze inside this fascinating operation. I did my last CBC column introducing the Monolith to northern Albertans (which… Continue Reading →
Yesterday the Alberta Court of Appeal issued its long awaited decision (at least by guys like me) on the appeal of Steam Whistle’s and Great Western Brewing’s lawsuit over the former beer mark-up policies. In short, the justices uphold the… Continue Reading →