It has been a fairly quiet few weeks on the prairie beer front, but I figured it was time for a quick round-up to get us all caught up. The most noteworthy bit of news is likely the 4th Annual… Continue Reading →
Alberta will finally have a Craft Beer Week. The Alberta Small Brewers’ Association announced yesterday the launch of the province’s first official Beer Week from September 25 to October 3. It will be bookended by the Alberta Beer Festival’s Calgary… Continue Reading →
Most craft breweries start in a pub or a homebrewery, with a couple of beer passionate people talking about taking their hobby professional. It is not very often when a brewery starts in a classroom. But that is exactly what… Continue Reading →
A few weeks ago a beer friend gave me a box of beer that had been sitting in his basement for a few years. The beer went unconsumed because, unfortunately, he had developed Celiac Disease. He was moving and realized… Continue Reading →
Whyte Avenue is a fun place. During the day it has a myriad of shops, cafes and sights (not to mention the Farmers’ Market) to satisfy a wide range of tastes and interests. Then there is the nightlife. It may… Continue Reading →
I reported last week that Red Deer’s Troubled Monk Brewing quietly opened its doors in June. The Bredo Brothers, Charlie and Graeme, have traveled quite the path in the past couple years. I profiled their plans back in January (read… Continue Reading →
The current issue of Vue Weekly is their annual Beer Issue, where significantly more column inches are devoted to the grand elixir than the usual To The Pint column every couple weeks. This year I am the author of three… Continue Reading →
One of the great advantages of small craft brewers is that they can anchor themselves in community. They can sink deep roots into the life of the town/city where they reside. When it comes to roots, few can likely lay… Continue Reading →
Canada Day is just around the corner and while it is strangely in the very middle of the week, there will likely be a few beer consumed. So, just in time for the grand day I offer the latest prairie… Continue Reading →
Yesterday evening, imagine my surprise to turn on the radio as I prepared dinner to hear the last bit of a piece on CBC Radio One’s The World at Six, their national early evening news program, discussing the challenges of… Continue Reading →