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Fitzsimmons Primed to Win Over Airdrie

A few years back Cody Fitzsimmons and his girlfriend Pamela Jarosz presented themselves with a stark choice. “Do we want to get married or start a brewery?” They felt their energies had to go into one or the other. The… Continue Reading →

Ol’ Beautiful Aiming to Making Attractive Beer

Another new Calgary brewery quietly slipped onto store shelves and bar taps over the summer (they officially launched in April). Ol’ Beautiful Brewing (the website isn’t much yet, but you know) is the brainchild of Chris Carroll and Devon Sidwell…. Continue Reading →

Snake Lake Hopes to Slither into Consumers’ Hearts

A few days ago I told you about one of Sylvan Lake’s upcoming breweries (read here). Today it is the second brewery’s turn. Snake Lake Brewing. Snake Lake is the original name of the town, after what the local indigenous… Continue Reading →

Edmonton Modernizes Brewery Zoning Laws

Late on Monday night Edmonton City Council passed bylaw changes that will make more city districts available for breweries (as well as wineries and distilleries). The bylaw roughly parallels (in intent, not language) a recent bylaw change in Calgary that… Continue Reading →

Good Beer Under the Radar at Undercurrent

Sylvan Lake is not seen as a craft beer hot spot, but that may soon change. Rumblings have it there are some things afoot in the central Alberta town located just west of Red Deer on the popular lake of… Continue Reading →

Ale Spruced Up And Nowhere To Go But In My Glass

Grande Prairie’s Grain Bin Brewing is a small outfit (as I have explained here). Yet someone seems to be making an effort to try to get at least a few bottles of their product down to Edmonton, as it pops… Continue Reading →

Evidence of How the Beer World Has Changed

I was at a party this last weekend. Invited by a couple of close friends, but mostly an event where I didn’t know most people. You know what those kind of nights are like. The evening was fine. I took… Continue Reading →

Origin’s Original Approach to Opening a Brewery

We all know the standard craft beer story. Longtime homebrewer (or professional brewer toiling for another brewery) has a vision of starting their own brewery. The pour their passion for beer into getting the new brewery off the ground and… Continue Reading →

Does Pale Ale have a Country?

Beer fans have long understood the world of the Pale Ale. On one hand there is British Pale Ale – sometimes known as Strong Bitter (or Extra Special Bitter, a name the BJCP has done away with) – which offers… Continue Reading →

Beer at Farmers’ Markets: Small But Symbolic

This coming weekend will be the first where Alberta beer and spirits producers are eligible to hawk their wares at local farmers’ markets. The Alberta government announced the change a couple weeks back (when I was on holidays, damn them!),… Continue Reading →

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