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Save Our (Their) Pubs!

How different things are across the Pond. Last week the Globe and Mail ran a story about the ongoing loss of pubs in Britain, and what some municipalities are doing to protect them. What caught my eye is that the… Continue Reading →

Ramped Up Rye

For a guy who has never brewed with rye, I have developed something of a fascination with the grain. I like the sharp, earthy character rye adds to a beer. Plus, I like that it is less common than wheat…. Continue Reading →

Journal Highlights Coming Craft Beer Face-Off

Most of the folks that read this site will already be well aware, but the Edmonton Journal today carried a story (here) about the impending face-off of downtown craft beer pubs. The story leads with the spring opening of Craft… Continue Reading →

Some New Beer Releases

While in general January is a slow month for beer in Canada, there are a few new beer hitting store shelves and pub tap lines in the coming weeks. I thought I might as well offer a quick run-down of… Continue Reading →

The End of End of Days Not Yet Nigh

Just before Xmas, Brewsters brewpub chain released an Extreme Ale (their words) to mark the end of the world according to the Mayans (well the people who misinterpreted the Mayan calendar system, but that is beside the point). They tapped… Continue Reading →

Public vs. Private Liquor Retail

A report on the liquor industry in western Canada has been sitting on my desk for the past few weeks awaiting me to get around to reading it. The time off during the holiday season gave me a little free… Continue Reading →

2012: The Beer That Was

This past week in magazines and newspapers (and websites) around the country, thousands of words have been spilled breaking down the year that was. The best/worst movies, biggest selling songs, political highlights/lowlights – you name it. Well, I was not… Continue Reading →

A Dark Taste of Ambroise-a

One of the beer I picked up for sampling over the holiday season was the St. Ambroise Stout Imperiale Russe (Russian Imperial Stout). Stouts are something St. Ambroise does well. I am not as big a fan as many are… Continue Reading →

Advent-ures: The Finale

I am now looking at an empty calendar box. The final beer is opened and nothing more to anticipate (until next year). And so without further ado, here is the review of the last Craft Beer Advent Calendar beer for… Continue Reading →

Advent-ures Part IV

First off, Merry Xmas Eve, everyone. Sitting here on the last day, the final bottle in the fridge. I contemplated saving this entry until I had opened it, but have decided instead to follow the lead of Hollywood blockbuster movie… Continue Reading →

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