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Alberta Liquor Privatization, 20 Years Later

To mark the 20th anniversary of the Alberta government’s decision to privatize liquor distribution and retail, the Edmonton Journal ran a three-part series examining its effects. The first part (found here) offered a general evaluation, the second was an interview… Continue Reading →

The Beer Coelacanths

The story of Porter and Witbier are well known. Traditional styles overtaken by the popularity of newer beer (in one case pale ale, the other pale lager). Brewers of the beer withered away until no one was left brewing it…. Continue Reading →

Bravo to Black Friars

You gotta hand it to the folks at Paddock Wood. While most breweries are doing fruit wheat ales, saisons or witbiers for their summer seasonals, Paddock Wood has the nerve to release a porter in the summer. And not any… Continue Reading →

Gosing Good Old T.O.

Whenever I go on a trip, I make a point of bringing home some local beer to sample post-unpacking. With all of my travels this summer, I have quite the full beer shelf at the moment. In the coming weeks,… Continue Reading →

May the Beer Be with You

By now most beer fans will have heard about Vulcan Ale, the collaboration beer between Pluto’s Moon Beer Company and CBS Television (the rights holder to Star Trek), contract brewed at Harvest Moon Brewing. Actually the business arrangement is more… Continue Reading →

Beer Crazes

Once a year or so, my editors at Planet S Magazine like me to offer a “what’s new in beer” kind of column – a piece that identifies future trends and things to look for. As I sat down at… Continue Reading →

Your August News Round Up

I have been on the road a fair bit this summer, so haven’t really been keeping up on the latest from breweries on the prairies. Summers are, obviously, the busiest time for breweries, so most are just trying to keep… Continue Reading →

A Pleasant Summer Sipper

Sometimes beer takes you to unexpected places. This summer I have fallen under the spell of a light, fruity beer (yes, Virginia, I said fruity) that seems ideal for summer sipping. This is no blueberry wheat beer or some such… Continue Reading →

Galena Gold

The latest Alley Kat Dragon single hop double IPA is Gold Dragon, using Galena hops. It has been out for a few weeks now, my sampling of it delayed by my Europe trip. I did finally get around to taking… Continue Reading →

Beer History in an Unexpected Place

During my trip to Britain, I took a day trip to a little city called Wigan. Most of you will never have heard of it. It is about an hour’s train ride northwest of Manchester. For most tourists there is… Continue Reading →

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