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Tall, Dark and Hoppy

Alley Kat’s latest beer in its Big Bottle Series hit store shelves last week. New Moon Cascadian Dark Ale is a Black IPA/Cascadian Dark Ale/Black IPA/pick your name of this new style. Generally speaking I am a big fan of… Continue Reading →

Let Loose Your Red Rage

My most recent Vue Weekly column, which is now more than a few days ago (I got distracted by tap list number crunching), I take my first look at Tool Shed Brewing. Initially I wanted to wait until they had… Continue Reading →

Comparing Edmonton’s Craft Beer Bars

On my CBC column later this afternoon (Friday, January 10, 2014) – CBC Radio One (740 AM, 93.9 FM) at 4:45 – I will be looking at Edmonton’s rapidly expanding market for craft beer bars. These are larger pubs that… Continue Reading →

2014’s Prairie Beer Firsts

Quicker than I expected, there is enough news to justify the first round-up for 2014. I had been thinking January would be pretty quiet on the beer front, but, lo and behold, the breweries keep doing new things. Damn them!… Continue Reading →

It’s a Lumberjack and It’s Okay…

Yet another in my series of late reviews, although in this case I am confident the beer is still available in stores. I got the Big Rock Lumberjack Pack in November, but with Xmas and other general busy-ness I couldn’t… Continue Reading →

An Instant Classic

There are certain breweries that seem like they can do no wrong. While I know that is impossible – breweries are run by humans, so mistakes get made. Yet, for me there are a handful of breweries with whom I… Continue Reading →

Seeing Blue Dragons

Amidst my holiday celebrations, one of the things I planned to do was catch up a bit on some of the beer that have come out in recent weeks and I simply haven’t had the time to properly sample and… Continue Reading →

Raising the Temperature on the Serving Debate

I recently was asked to give a presentation to a group of restaurant servers and managers. They wanted me to talk about serving techniques and proper presentation of beer. I think the presentation went over fairly well. Many, if not… Continue Reading →

Your Guide to Beering Up your Holiday Season

It is around the holiday season that, more than usual, I find myself imbibing non-beer beverages when attending parties, events, etc. It is not really due to my choice (although sometimes), but more often because beer is simply not on… Continue Reading →

Craft Beer Market Edmonton Opens Today

Today (December 19) marks the much-delayed and much-anticipated opening of the Edmonton location of Craft Beer Market. Craft claims to have “Canada’s largest selection of draft [sic] beer”. (Of course, good Canadians know we spell it “draught” around here, but… Continue Reading →

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