Buried in the mountains of paper of the federal budget the other day were two small announcements that will positively affect craft beer fans. First, the government announced that it would remove restrictions on inter-provincial transportation of beer and liquor…. Continue Reading →
The past few days have been ones filled with much debate in other parts of Canada around the pros and cons of selling liquor in grocery or convenience stores. In B.C., the government recently accepted all of the recommendations of… Continue Reading →
Brewing equipments dominates the prairie beer news this week, plus one new beer and a beer I neglected to mention a couple of weeks ago. I know news of fermenters and brewhouses is hardly scintillating stuff, but it is a… Continue Reading →
My most recent Vue Weekly review (which you can read here) is a study in complex simplicity. Yes, I am aware that is an oxymoron, but bear with me. The article is a review of Bernard Dark Lager, a relatively… Continue Reading →
Lots of dark, rich beer connect their branding to the colour black. Fair enough. It is accurate, evocative and simple as a drawing card. The only thing is that lots of different things can be going on inside the bottle… Continue Reading →
Clearly prairie brewers like their buffalo, as two of the region’s craft breweries are releasing beer named after the majestic, almo-made-extinct-by-humans beasts. Plus I have a bit of other beer news for you. First to the Bisons. This week, the… Continue Reading →
On a recent family trip to Monteral, I brought back a few bottles of interesting things, as I am wont to do. Over the weekend I opened up an Eisbock made by L’Alchimiste in Joliette, Quebec. I don’t know much… Continue Reading →
In my Beer 101 column in December (which you can find here) I started a series on serving beer. Last month it was the heated subject of temperature. This month – pouring etiquette. The column itself (which you can read… Continue Reading →
I believe it is a sign of emotional maturity of someone can make fun of their own quirks and tendencies. It helps us all maintain a sense of perspective. I am a beer geek. I admit that. I am well… Continue Reading →
For some time now I have been only dabbling around the edges of the influx of Europe’s boundary pushing breweries. The grandaddy is, of course, Mikkeller but we have seen a handful of others over the past year or so,… Continue Reading →