So, I think I admitted earlier I spent much of last week in Calgary. While I was there for non-beer reasons, I found some time to do a bit of beer-related work. As a result there will be a few… Continue Reading →
My most recent Vue Weekly review (which you can read here) is of Oskar Blues Dale’s Pale Ale. I did a onbeer post when the beer first arrived on tap in Alberta (found here), anchored around a bit of a… Continue Reading →
My goodness the last few days have been busy. A large number of new beer news has come across my desk, some official, some through back channels. Either way, as expected early March has been marked by new beer releases… Continue Reading →
An alert reader drew my attention to this Metro story from a couple of weeks back. It is mostly a fluff piece, but there is one very interesting, almost throw-away line in it: “Since the provincial policies changed in December,… Continue Reading →
A couple of years ago I openly embraced the sharpness that is rauchbier, after many years of shying away. As I report here, the beer that did it for me was Aecht Schenkerla Marzen. I found it had just the… Continue Reading →
The big prairie news this week is the announced closure tomorrow (February 28) of Brew Brothers Brewery. The longtime Calgary operation opened its doors in 1994, making it the oldest of Alberta’s craft brewers. It had fallen on difficult times… Continue Reading →
So after the unprecedented decision to allow bars to open at 4:30 am to facilitate early morning hockey watching, apparently a couple of Alberta ministers took to the Twitterverse to opine that later closing times and liquor in grocery stores… Continue Reading →
Over the past couple of months my Beer 101 columns have been focusing on serving beer properly. Earlier this month the last of the series went live, examining the final steps to presenting the beer to the customer/consumer. You can… Continue Reading →
I often say there is a beer for every occasion. Formal, informal, celebratory, consoling. A number of times I have written about matching beer with occasions, such as the recently passed Valentine’s Day. I have done it enough that my… Continue Reading →
I remember when I first started writing my beer columns, from time to time I struggled to find something new and interesting to write about. That particular problem is long gone. There have been so many new entrants to the… Continue Reading →