I took some time last night to give Alley Kat’s latest release (just discussed in the latest news digest), Bearded Dragon Imperial Red IPA. Of course, the first thing I and many people note is that they have the gumption… Continue Reading →
Only two breweries involved in this edition of the news round-up, but they both make up for it in sheer volume of announcements. Alley Kat last week released a hybrid Big Bottle/Dragon Series beer. Bearded Dragon is an Imperial Red… Continue Reading →
This is one of those rare moments when I actually don’t know what to think. India Session Ales (ISA), or Light IPAs. They are a thing now. A growing number of craft breweries in North America have been brewing up… Continue Reading →
Yesterday the Ontario government announced a pilot project to allow liquor to be sold in grocery stores (here is a CBC story on it). Well, sort of. The actual plan is to open 10 LCBO “kiosks” inside select grocery stores…. Continue Reading →
My most recent column in Planet S/Prairie Dog is sparking some controversy in the flat province (you can read it here). A while back my editors asked if I might do a piece on cheap beer (what the producers of… Continue Reading →
As part of my recent visit to Calgary, I made some time to finally swing by Village Brewing. It was my first opportunity to see the young Calgary upstart. I had arranged to meet with co-owner Jim Button, and he… Continue Reading →
My March Beer 101 column heads down a bit of wistful path, as it came on the heels of a bout of contemplative reflection about brewing methods and brewing tradition. The column (which you can read here) anchors around Fuller’s… Continue Reading →
As I have mentioned a couple of times, I was in Calgary recently and did a bit of beer work while there (shocker!). One thing I did is pop into National Beer Hall downtown to check out their offerings. National… Continue Reading →
As expected with the melting of the snow comes a spate of new beer news from prairie craft brewers. And so I find myself offering yet another installment of the news digest, with colours dominating the headlines. First up is… Continue Reading →
My most recent Planet S column focused in on one of the dirty little secrets of craft brewing. Namely, not all craft beer is good. Some is mediocre and, if we entirely honest with ourselves, some of it is just… Continue Reading →