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Norsemen Slowly Builds a Following

After a couple of years of good intentions and failed attempts, I finally was able to pay a visit to Norsemen Brewing recently. As I reported when it opened (see post here), Norsemen might be the unlikeliest of brewpubs in… Continue Reading →

Wanna Sell the Beer You Make in Your Garage?

Then move to Portland. In Portland the jump from homebrewer to commercial brewery is smaller than anywhere else I know. Two cases in point: The Commons Brewery and Green Dragon Brew Crew. I will write in more detail about each… Continue Reading →

Forget Food Trucks, How about Beer Trucks?

I have been in Portland for a few days. My spouse had a training workshop to attend and I had my arm twisted (go ahead, twist my arm!) to accompany her. That meant as she was becoming smarter, I had… Continue Reading →

Alberta’s First Nanobrewery is Just Dandy

A mere months after rule changes permitting nanobrewing in the province (see my analysis here), Alberta is about to get its first operational nano. The Dandy Brewing Company (not much on the website yet, nor is their a logo) is… Continue Reading →

Growlin’ for Beer

There can be no mistaking that growlers have become a big thing in Alberta. What was at one time a quirky offering to loyal fans of local craft breweries has become a big time trend. Growler filling stations are popping… Continue Reading →

Green Beer, The Good Kind

I am a couple of days late on this, as it should have gone up on Tuesday (April 22, Earth Day), but my most recent Planet S column looks at the environmental footprint of beer (read it here). It is… Continue Reading →

Craft Pints in Fort Mac

Work found me in Fort McMurray last week (does anyone go to McMurray for reasons other than work?). In a fortuitous turn of events, the Wood Buffalo brewpub was a block away from my hotel. I had planned a visit… Continue Reading →

The Beer in April Just Keeps Pourin’ in

Before the e-ink was dry on my last news digest (found here), more beer news came rolling in, as usual. Here is the latest of which I am aware. Tickets for Edmonton Beer Geeks Anonymous‘ third annual Real Ale Festival… Continue Reading →

Ethical Beer Embodied

I have been talking a lot about New Belgium Brewing since it recently arrived in Alberta. A few weeks ago I did my CBC column on it (sorry, no tape or link), and last week a Vue column was published… Continue Reading →

What We Do for the Joy of Homebrewing

I normally don’t write much about my homebrewing. I have been a proud homebrewer for almost 23 years, but I want this to be a broadly accessible site of interest to many types of beer appreciators. As much as I… Continue Reading →

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