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The Enigma of Mead

Mead is a fascinating, elusive, enticing and frustrating beverage. It seems so simple at first – it is just fermented honey – yet displays such utter complexity while defying easy categorization. Never mind that I have never successfully brewed a… Continue Reading →

ASBA Becomes Official and other Beer News

It has been common knowledge in beer circles for a while In one of the worst kept secrets in the beer world, the Alberta Small Brewers’ Association (ASBA) officially announced it formation last week (first revealed here a few months… Continue Reading →

Great Western Cleans Up at CBAs

The results of the 2014 Canadian Brewing Awards (CBAs) were announced last night (find the full winners list here). While I might describe the results for prairie brewers as disappointing, one prairie brewery had lots to celebrate. The good folks… Continue Reading →

Extolling the (Almost) Perfect Pub

Many years ago (1946 to be exact), George Orwell penned an evocative essay entitled “The Moon Under Water”. It was essentially an effort to extoll the virtues of his favourite pub, the Moon Under Water. You can read the essay… Continue Reading →

A Primer on the Drunk Monks

A few months back I was commissioned by the Continental Treat Bistro to present a video educating beer drinkers about Trappist Ales. Trappists are, of course, the small cluster of monasteries that produce Belgian-style ales. As famous as the Trappist… Continue Reading →

God is Goode, aka Beer Yeast

In my latest Planet S column this week, I take a look at the role yeast plays in beer’s flavour and aroma. You can read the whole article here, but be aware the article is aimed at the average beer… Continue Reading →

No Need to Repair this Pothole

It is an annual rite of passage on the prairies, the indication that spring has finally come. Pothole repair season. When the crews come out with their buckets of tar, shovels and work their way through the tens of thousands… Continue Reading →

April Showers Turns into May Avalanche

I am starting to think the traditional spring/summer/winter/fall seasonal release cycle is being obliterated, replaced instead by a constant barrage of new stuff. Take last week and this week alone. On the prairies, TENĀ  different breweries are launching a new… Continue Reading →

Gadgetry in Motion

The most recent issue of Vue Weekly (last week) the Dish section had a theme – gadgets. My contribution to the issue looked at three gadgets that have revolutionized (in small ways) our experience of beer.You can read the article… Continue Reading →

Mixing Traditions?

A recent Vue Weekly review (I am a bit behind due to my recent travels) looked at the Brooklyn-Schneider collaboration beer Hopfenweisse, a hopped up weizenbock. I am fairly bullish on the beer (you can read the review here). I… Continue Reading →

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