When I was in Ontario in May, I found a few hours to visit a couple of new breweries that have decided to swim against the current in the wine-crazed region of Niagara-On-The-Lake. I spoke about them on my CBC… Continue Reading →
In a case of pure happenstance, over the past few days I found myself sampling a range of different farmhouse ales. Of course earlier I had tried Alley Kat’s Old Jake’s Farmhouse Ale (reviewed here) and had planned to sample… Continue Reading →
Regular readers of onbeer.org will know that I have over the years been exploring the taste differences between keg and bottle (and can). It has been an interesting journey without any firm or solid conclusions so far. You can read… Continue Reading →
This week the annual “Drinks Issue” of the Saskatchewan magazines I write for, Planet S and Prairie Dog, came out (you can read it here – although you need to scroll down past the short blurb stuff to find my… Continue Reading →
In my post last week trying to get everyone caught up on beer news on the prairies, I missed a couple of updates – as usual. So, in a brief update just to get everything covered, here is what I… Continue Reading →
Saison really is the latest sexy thing in beer. The whole Farmhouse Ale rage is really becoming quite noticeable. You know a trend is popular when beer that don’t resemble the style try to use the name anyway (sorry, Olds… Continue Reading →
I like it when I get pleasantly surprised. We can all fall into the trap of thinking we know what is going on with a particular brewery. That is because, like people, breweries do have a personality. We come to… Continue Reading →
The new releases and other news have not stopped rolling with the coming of summer. Most of the prairie brewers have been trying to offer up something new and interesting for the summer quaffing season. So without further ado, and… Continue Reading →
Okay, that headline is a bit of a dumb question. Of course craft beer goes well with sports. In my mind craft beer goes well with everything. However, one does not normally hear serious talk about beer on the various… Continue Reading →
In the grand debates about climate change and the state of the earth’s environment, beer rarely comes up. Why would it when much bigger culprits like tar/oil sands, automobiles and coal-fired electricity are around? Beer, on the whole, is a… Continue Reading →