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La Folie is Hardly Folly

I think I have been fairly clear over the last few months just what I think of New Belgium Brewing (if you are not sure read here and here). Their entry into Alberta has been nothing short of fascinating for… Continue Reading →

Why Portland is Amazing, Redux

I know I raved about Portland a couple of months ago and how incredibly amazing the place is for craft beer. Well, the columns I wrote about my trip have been trickling out, giving me another opportunity to wax eloquent… Continue Reading →

Nokomis Knows Ales

What do you do if you are a carpenter living in a town of about 450 residents? If you are Jeff Allport, you open a brewery! The prairies’ newest brewery, Nokomis Craft Ales (note, this is just a placeholder site… Continue Reading →

Ed McNally Passes Away at Age 89

Big Rock announced today that its founder, Ed McNally, has passed away. He was 89. This is significant news for craft beer lovers on the prairies, as Mr. McNally was a pioneer in craft beer in Canada and richly deserves… Continue Reading →

You Know It Is a Slow News Day When…

…The Edmonton Journal runs a page 3 article in the business section on the changing BJCP style guidelines, including a monster-sized photo of yours truly. Seriously. This past Saturday. Check out the online version here. The back story is that… Continue Reading →

A Little Mid-August Clean Up

So things have been slower on the beer news front the past few weeks as I imagine most breweries in the region are busy trying to keep up with summer beer sales. But a few straggled bits of news have… Continue Reading →

Arenas, Stadiums and now Beer Tents: Where’d All the Good Beer Go?

I just spent the last weekend doing what I always do on this particular weekend of the year; grooving and chilling at the Edmonton Folk Music Festival. It is always a highlight of my social calendar in the year. Rocking… Continue Reading →

The BJCP World Turns Upside Down

In July the Beer Judge Certification Program, the leading amateur beer education and style defining organization, released the draft of its 2014 Style Guidelines (you can find a link to the PDF here). The changes are huge. Massive. Dis-orienting. So, … Continue Reading →

For Very Good Rhyme and Reason

What may be one of the most interesting new projects in Canada’s beer scene is Ontario’s Collective Arts Brewing. This Burlington-based company is an intentional fusion of beer, music and visual arts. They have partnered with various musicians and artists… Continue Reading →

Seize the Brett: Farmhouse Week Part 3

My third beer during Farmhouse Week is a beer I picked up during my May trip to beer Mecca, Portland. In a place like that you can likely imagine when you only have room for a handful of beer in… Continue Reading →

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