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Full Moon vs. Full Moon

Just like the old Mad Magazine feature, Spy vs. Spy, the best way to work out the recent change to Alley Kat Full Moon from a Pale Ale to an India Pale Ale (see here), would be to have them… Continue Reading →

Saskatchewan Liquor Privatization Bad Economics?

A new research report was released last week examining the economic case for the privatization of the SLGA in Saskatchewan. Called A Profitable Brew: A Financial Analysis of the SLGA and Its Potential Privatization (you can find a link to… Continue Reading →

Last Best Ramping Up for Calgary Market

One of my stops when in Calgary a few weeks back was a visit with Brett Ireland over at Last Best, the soon-to-be brewpub that recently took over Brew Brothers brewhouse (life has been a bit busy, so this post… Continue Reading →

Crossing the Bridge to Good Beer

Imagine my surprise a couple weeks back to be scanning the shelves of my favourite beer store (you all know who that is) only to stumble across a little cluster of cans from Black Bridge Brewing. Those of you with… Continue Reading →

What Would Jesus Drink?

My latest Vue Weekly column was written to fit into the magazine’s theme for that week (you can read it here). It was their Xmas feature and this year they went with a look at the religious aspects of the… Continue Reading →

AGLC Policy Changes, One Year Later

Exactly one year ago today, the AGLC announced a package of policy changes coming out of a wide-scale policy review. At the time (you can read the post here) I opined that it was a mixture of small steps with… Continue Reading →

RIP Full Moon Pale Ale, Long Live Full Moon IPA and Other News

Normally when I do a news roundup I try to give the various breweries involved relatively equal billing. However this week it is a bit different. Upon hearing the news that Alley Kat is re-formulating its flagship Full Moon Pale… Continue Reading →

GBD is Just Dandy

On my recent trip to Calgary, I was able to get my hands on one of the beer made by nano upstart The Dandy Brewing Company. They have only been selling beer for a few weeks now, so it was… Continue Reading →

Next Steps to Craft

Last month I started a series with my Beer 101 column looking at how to introduce newly beer-interested people to the range of craft beer flavours. The first part (whch you can read here) took those initial baby steps with… Continue Reading →

The Happenin’s at Hog’s Head

Some of the more keen-eyed of you may have noticed that over the past few months my news roundups have rarely included Hog’s Head Brewing out of St. Albert. It is not that they haven’t been putting out new beer… Continue Reading →

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