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Building a Legacy, One Beer at a Time

When it opens in a few weeks, Saskatoon’s 9 Mile Legacy Brewing Company will easily win the title of smallest brewery on the prairies. With their 150-litre brewhouse (when maxed out) they truly can call themselves a nano-brewery in every… Continue Reading →

This Banquet is More of a Wieners and Beans Thing

I wasn’t going to write about it. Honestly I wasn’t. I told myself that there was no point in reviewing Coors Banquet; that I was only giving it more profile. But then I heard all of those damned ads extolling… Continue Reading →

Labatt-ABInbev Trying to Have it Both Ways?

When ABInbev aired its Bud Superbowl commercial extolling the virtues of boring, pale lager with its caricatures of moustachioed hipsters sniffing goblets of “pumpkin peach ale”  I chose to give a pass on commenting (I refuse to embed the video… Continue Reading →

Susan from the Farmstead is a Beauty

Last week I wrote about a treat provided to me by an acquaintance recently returned from Vermont (read here). Well, Heady Topper was not their only surprise for me. They also brought back a bottle from Hill Farmstead Brewery, the… Continue Reading →

Sign Up for the Temperance Movement!

Want to own part of a brewery? Now you can for as little as $150. Better yet, want to be a part of the Temperance movement? No, the two aren’t contradictions, at least not in Saskatoon these days. You see,… Continue Reading →

The Head-y of the Pack

Last week someone brought me back a little gift from Vermont, and what a great one it was! It was none other than a can of Heady Topper from small and elusive brewery The Alchemist, based in Waterbury, Vermont. Like… Continue Reading →

Swiftly Building a Reputation

I have written about Black Bridge Brewing a couple of times since they hit the radar on Saskatchewan’s beer scene (like here and here). I will readily admit the Swift Current brewery has impressed me in the early going. No… Continue Reading →

DIY Beer Tastings

The current issue of Vue Weekly is their annual Adventure Issue. As it was a beer column week, I was asked to think about some kind of beer-related adventure, especially indoors (so winter backyard homebrewing was out). I opted for… Continue Reading →

The Wait Won’t Be Long for Winterlong

Would you believe me if I told you that soon Whitehorse will have one of the highest number of craft breweries per capita anywhere in North America? I wouldn’t blame you for thinking I had been drinking too much Lead… Continue Reading →

Hopping on the Hops Train

A few months back I wrote a series in Planet S/Prairie Dog looking at how to transition to craft beer, taking newbies one step at a time from pale lager to the accessible zones of craft to the more challenging…. Continue Reading →

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