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The Glorious Inglorious

It is usually a damned good thing to have a friend who lives in a place like Belgium. In my case it means a couple times a year my friend brings me (or has their father-cum-beer mule deliver) a gift… Continue Reading →

The Shifting Beer Scene, Redux

My latest Vue Weekly column offers a re-take on a recent post on this website (read here) that looked at the relative strength of the craft beer scenes around the continent. The article (read it here) doesn’t really contain any… Continue Reading →

The Americans are Coming (to Saskatchewan)!

Alberta-based readers of this humble missive are long familiar with the recent influx of reputed American craft breweries into their province. New Belgium, Stone, Goose Island and most recently Red Hook have entered the market, with others, including Boulevard, arriving… Continue Reading →

Tour Edmonton’s Beer History

Traditionally the prairies have not been particularly good at preserving and honouring our history. Historic buildings are razed for strip malls and mega-stores. Our public spaces focus more on looking forward than back. Things are getting better. We are slowly… Continue Reading →

What the Alberta Budget Means for Beer

Last week’s Alberta budget, as the whole world already knows, increased liquor taxes. A case of beer in Alberta will cost 90 cents more than a week earlier. I know no one is particularly happy to pay more for their… Continue Reading →

Juxtaposing Bitter and Sour

Four Winds Brewing is one of the new breed of B.C. craft breweries that have been taking the province by storm over the past couple years. Four Winds opened in Delta in mid-2013 and in less than two years has… Continue Reading →

Six Corners Coming Soon to a Corner Near You

Luke Wooldridge knows the brewing end of beer. The former Paddock Wood head brewer, who holds a Masters in Brewing and Distilling from Harriet Watt University in Edinburgh, can work his way around a brew kettle. The marketing and retail… Continue Reading →

Old World, New World

I hosted a beer tasting a couple months back where one of the beer was Fuller’s IPA. I find it is a quality English-style IPA. We can debate where it ranks in the style, but I think there is no… Continue Reading →

March Beer Madness

It has been a while since I did up a news update, in part because it has actually been a bit quieter on the prairie front in the past few weeks. I am certain that is all about to change,… Continue Reading →

Hop Aboard Trolley Five

Calgary’s famous (infamous??) Red Mile is about to get a makeover. The site of the old Melrose Cafe and Bar, a longtime Calgary mainstay, is being demolished and will be replaced by Trolley Five Brew Company (no website yet), a… Continue Reading →

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