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Are U-Brews Worth It?

Last week the Manitoba government announced that it is legalizing U-Brews, sometimes known as Brew-on-Premises. The idea behind U-Brews is to allow people to make their own beer and wine on the site of a commercial operation. They get access… Continue Reading →

North Belgian Milk Stout

In a recent post I look at the newer breweries in the Nova Scotia craft scene. One of the missing pieces at the time was an unopened bottle of North Brewings’ Belgian Milk Stout. I was intrigued by this beer… Continue Reading →

Girder Bender, Behind the Scenes

As I mentioned here, last month the Edmonton Heritage Council hosted a beer history tour of Edmonton. One of the cooler aspects of the tour was an heritage beer made exclusively for the tour. The organizers rather cheekily dubbed the… Continue Reading →

Spring Has Sprung Us Some Beer

It really is starting to feel like spring. We have had our requisite May snowfall, the trees are budding and the grass is turning green. Sounds like a good time for a beer. And that thought had me realizing it… Continue Reading →

Nova Scotia’s Burgeoning Beer Scene

Long time readers will remember that in the springs of 2011 and 2012, I spent considerable time in Halifax. At the time I reported occasionally  on the beer happenings on the east coast and my general observations about craft beer… Continue Reading →

A Silk Purse of a Rig Pig

It may seem like I would have reviewed this beer years ago, but I actually have never written a word about Brewsters’ Rig Pig Pale Ale. Not because it wasn’t worth a review. The main hurdle was its limited availability… Continue Reading →

So Many Beer, So Little Time

I have found recently that trips to the beer store have been more stressful than they used to be. It is simply an issue of possibilities. There are just so many more beer on good store shelves these days than… Continue Reading →

More on the Virtues of Temperance (Brewing)

Not long ago I profiled Temperance Brewing, a Saskatoon brewery working to drum up memberships to create western Canada’s first full-fledged brewery coop (read it here). My most recent Planet S/Prairie Dog column also profiles the new project (read that… Continue Reading →

Red Hook Aims to Hook Alberta

Maybe it has something to do with the (still remote) possibility of an NDP government on May 5, but Alberta has become an awfully attractive market for the big American craft brewers of late. A number of the older, larger… Continue Reading →

Anchor Weighs in on Saison

In the last year or so I imagine one of the styles with which my palate has been evolving most is Saison and Farmhouse Ales more generally. I have been intentionally seeking out different versions and paying close attention to… Continue Reading →

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