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Ribstone Creek Goes National (Sort of)

Yesterday evening, imagine my surprise to turn on the radio as I prepared dinner to hear the last bit of a piece on CBC Radio One’s The World at Six, their national early evening news program, discussing the challenges of… Continue Reading →

Hog’s Head Brewing Closing?

For the last few months I have been hearing rumours from multiple sources that St. Albert’s Hog’s Head Brewing was in trouble. The fact that I heard it from various locations had me taking the matter seriously. However, I don’t… Continue Reading →

Alley Kat: 20 Years of Scratching out Good Beer

Under mostly sunny skies (plus a short hailstorm) on Saturday afternoon, 350 of Alley Kat Brewing’s closest friends celebrated the 20th Anniversary of Edmonton’s longest standing craft brewer. The Alley Kat folks turned their light industrial area parking lot into… Continue Reading →

In Praise of Pale Lager (and Other “Boring” Beer)

In my Beer 101 column this month, I start a two-part series looking at under-appreciated styles – beer that often get overlooked by beer aficionados (which you can read here). In my various beer travels and beer conversations, I find… Continue Reading →

The Art of Zundert

Sometimes it is useful to have a friend living in Belgium (okay, it is almost always useful when you are a beer guy!). In my most recent care package I discovered a bottle of Zundert Trappist, fromĀ  Trappistenbrouwerij De Kievit…. Continue Reading →

Torpedo Offers a Hop Explosion

My latest Vue Weekly column is part profile, part beer review. I look at the first release from Two Sergeants Brewing, the soon-to-be Fort Saskatchewan brewery (read the article here). For the moment they are contract brewing with Tool Shed… Continue Reading →

Catchin’ Up on the News

I have been quite the busy puppy the last few weeks, as my more sporadic than usual posting may attest. One thing that has fallen behind is reporting the latest beer news and releases. As it turns out the past… Continue Reading →

Surprises at the Canadian Brewing Awards

The 2015 Canadian Brewing Awards were announced this weekend and made public this morning. You can find the full list of winners here. From my lens of Prairie-related craft beer, I can honestly say there were a few surprises in… Continue Reading →

A Tale of Two Beer Bars

My last post highlighted some of the ways that beer bars get things wrong (read here). Today I want to look at the other side of the coin – how beer bars can get things right. I am going to… Continue Reading →

Five Basic Tips for Beer Bars

I am out of town for a couple weeks traveling out east for work. It will surprise you not that I am also finding time for some beer visits (say it isn’t so!), which means I have been sitting in… Continue Reading →

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