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Beer Geeks and More on the News Roundup

It has been a fairly quiet few weeks on the prairie beer front, but I figured it was time for a quick round-up to get us all caught up. The most noteworthy bit of news is likely the 4th Annual… Continue Reading →

Cans are the New Black

The trend is unmistakable, even for someone as thick as I am. Cans are in, big time. Beer cans, of course, have been around for decades. But for most of that time, they have been the sole domain of mainstream… Continue Reading →

Dungarvan a Pleasant Surprise

I like surprises. Especially beer surprises. I got one recently that grew up in to my latest Vue Weekly column (which you can read here). While perusing the new arrivals shelf of my local beer store, I found a couple… Continue Reading →

Rodenbach Caractère Rouge Has Real Character

Recently I received a very lovely treat. Someone gave me a bottle of Rodenbach Caractère Rouge. Don’t know what that is? I don’t blame you. It is a once-a-year seasonal where they take the sour beer base and soak it… Continue Reading →

ASBA to Hold First Annual Alberta Craft Beer Week

Alberta will finally have a Craft Beer Week. The Alberta Small Brewers’ Association announced yesterday the launch of the province’s first official Beer Week from September 25 to October 3. It will be bookended by the Alberta Beer Festival’s Calgary… Continue Reading →

Going to the Well for Community-Supported Beer

Most craft breweries start in a pub or a homebrewery, with a couple of beer passionate people talking about taking their hobby professional. It is not very often when a brewery starts in a classroom. But that is exactly what… Continue Reading →

Lifting the Lid on an Old Kilt Lifter

A few weeks ago a beer friend gave me a box of beer that had been sitting in his basement for a few years. The beer went unconsumed because, unfortunately, he had developed Celiac Disease. He was moving and realized… Continue Reading →

The Peg Finally Gets a Brewpub

Using a number of matrices, Manitoba’s craft beer scene lags other places in Canada. They have the fewest craft breweries and not a single brewpub to be found anywhere. The good news is that things are changing. I profiled recently… Continue Reading →

Putting a Bit of Torque into Craft Beer

Jared Carlberg learned an early lesson about the beer industry. With big hopes he got involved a while back with another brewery project, but things didn’t turn out as expected. Carlberg learned from that experience. He decided if you are… Continue Reading →

A Parliament of Craft Beer

During my spring travels east (which I talked about a bit here), I spent a few days in Ottawa. I have been to Ottawa a few times over the years and distinctly remember on my last visit (about 2006) being… Continue Reading →

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