My Beer 101 column for September takes a look at three fairly well known styles and contemplates what they might have tasted like in the time of their origin. You can read the colmun here. The impetus for the article… Continue Reading →
Last year I wrote a post querying whether Stone Brewing’s Enjoy By… IPA series was a legitimate attempt to have their product consumed at peak flavour or a bit of marketing spin. I offered a fairly positive review of the… Continue Reading →
So ladies and gents, get ready for Alberta’s first official Alberta Beer Week (my preference would be to call it Alberta Craft Beer Week, but I will let go of that for now). The fun begins this Friday in Calgary… Continue Reading →
Last night I popped in on the official launch of a new collaboration beer at Craft Beer Market. Soon-to-open Two Sergeants Brewing partnered up with D Woodall Family Fund to produce Patrolman’s ESB. A dollar of every pint sold will… Continue Reading →
The 4th Annual Edmonton Beer Geeks Anonymous Real Ale Festival took place on Saturday. This edition was bigger (double the attendees) and held outdoors in a skating rink (sans ice). With some weather luck, the festival had an even more… Continue Reading →
As I have mentioned in previous posts, my summer travels included stops in Ottawa and Montreal. My Ottawa beer adventures were chronicled here. Meanwhile, while I had highlighted one Montreal place in this post, I hadn’t yet written up my… Continue Reading →
In the midst of all the new IPAs and barrel-aged beer being promised by the prairies’ new breweries, it is a noticeable change of pace to talk to about a proposed brewery that is going to stick to traditional styles…. Continue Reading →
It has been a long time since I have had a true Berliner Weisse from Berlin. So long I am not entirely sure I remember exactly what a classic version should taste like. No German versions are exported to Canada… Continue Reading →
Witbier has long been one of my favourite styles. I brew it often at home, and even a Hoegaarden can be a nice falback for me, despite that I believe it is a shadow of what it was 10 years… Continue Reading →
I have been in the beer business for many years. That doesn’t mean I still don’t learn things from time to time. One of those things recently was the historic style Grisette. Even though the name was vaguely familiar, until… Continue Reading →