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Sour Beer the Easy Way

Kettle souring is a thing. It has gone from nowhere to relatively common in the U.S. in relatively short order. And now it has come home to Alberta. Wild Rose just released Cow Bell, their first kettle soured beer, and… Continue Reading →

From Bear to Beer: Polar Park to Open Later This Year

It’s not often when a brewery can pay homage to a local landmark. But Polar Park Brewing (no website yet) intends to do exactly that. Polar Park (originally called Alberta Game Farm) was an exotic animal destination. They housed a… Continue Reading →

All the Beer News That’s Fit to Drink

Over the past couple weeks a huge amount of beer news has piled, not even counting the ongoing debate about Alberta’s mark-up policy (read here if you have missed it). So here is the latest rundown of what is happening… Continue Reading →

Steam Whistle Gets Injunction Against Mark-Up Policy

Yesterday at the Court of Queen’s Bench, Steam Whistle Brewing out of Toronto was granted a temporary injunction against the new Alberta mark-up policy established in the fall provincial budget (read about the policy here). Here is the Canadian Beer… Continue Reading →

It May Not Work as Promised But It Tastes Good

It may have the most hope-inspiring name of all beer names. Aphrodisiaque. The classic and inspired stout from Dieu du Ciel seems to promise more than a beer can normally offer. Sadly, it can’t deliver, at least in that respect…. Continue Reading →

Our Conflicted Relationship with Pioneers

The arrival of Sierra Nevada to Alberta in the fall was a noteworthy event. Most beer fans were quite happy to find in their local liquor store bottles of SN Pale Ale, Torpedo and other classics from one of the… Continue Reading →

A Bourbon-Soaked Monk

One of the highlights of popping into Brewsters during the winter is a chance to sip on a glass of their annual seasonal barley wine, Blue Monk. I always find it at its best in October (when I am told… Continue Reading →

The Historic Beer Thought Experiment, Part Three

I have fallen a bit behind in posting my regular columns recently – life has been noticeably hectic and things like the Advent Calendar took up a fair bit of oxygen. One thing I was working on in the fall… Continue Reading →

The Annual Crystal Ball Column

It is an annual rite of passage for a subject matter writer. Whether it be food, music, film or politics, around this time of year editors invariably ask for predictions for the year to come. As the accommodating fellow that… Continue Reading →

Your First News Round-Up of 2016

As readers nurse their New Years’ Eve hangovers, I thought it might help get your mind off your headache to give you the latest news from breweries around the prairies. Another new round of beer you can try as hair… Continue Reading →

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