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Beer Status Quo in New Provincial Trade Agreement

I am almost sorry to write this post, as it dives into the depths of internal trade deals. But that, apparently, is what I do, so here goes… Late last week, the federal government and provinces announced the new Canada… Continue Reading →

Edmonton Looking to Loosen Brewery Rules

A draft report soon to go to Edmonton City Council proposes amending Edmonton’s development by-laws to allow small breweries in a broader range of locations. I won’t tell you how I got my hands on the document but I can… Continue Reading →

Grizzly Paw’s Awesome Brew Space

I would die to have the view Grizzly Paw’s brewers have when they mix up the brewery’s magic elixir. Most brewers have to put up with concrete walls and a back door opening up to a light industrial parking lot… Continue Reading →

TV Ad Suggests Alberta Beer Reaches New Levels

I don’t have a TV at home. Which means I only get to watch network TV when I travel. When I was is in Banff last week (see my post about it here), I got to watch an Oilers hockey… Continue Reading →

Things Looking Up for Craft Beer in Banff

It has been quite a few years since I was last in Banff. I forget just how stunningly beautiful the mountain peaks are around the townsite. I don’t forget, however, how desperate the beer options were during my last visit… Continue Reading →

More Peaks Than Valleys for Canmore So Far

Our interview kept getting interrupted by people banging on the locked door, hoping for beer. Irritating? Not really. Instead I realized it was a sign of Canmore Brewing’s early success. Currently the tap room is only open Thursday thru Sunday,… Continue Reading →

Left Hand Nitro: Embrace the Hard Pour

I know this beer’s (and brewery’s) reputation. I have read the’ reviews extolling its virtues. Yet I remained skeptical. Not sure why. I just did. Maybe I am a natural-born curmudgeon (no comments, peanut gallery!). I am speaking of Left… Continue Reading →

Heads Up! The KGB Is On Its Way

Be warned. Edmonton is about to be over-run by the KGB. (Some Tory MLAs may think it already has under the guise of the NDP, but I digress.) By KGB I refer, of course, not to the notorious Soviet police… Continue Reading →

Dueling Grants and More Beer Policy Stuff

It has been rather quiet on the beer policy and politics front recently. No updates on the ongoing legal disputes around Alberta’s mark-up policy and brewers’ grant program (for a summary read here), no big announcements or controversies – just… Continue Reading →

Swap the Malt? Troubled Monk’s Malt Experiment

So lots of breweries engage in hop experiments – swapping out varieties of hops to experience the flavour effect. Most breweries are not so fast to play around with their malt. Malt is the anchor for a beer. It lays… Continue Reading →

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