So, Munich’s Oktoberfest is coming to a close this weekend. It is one of those events I have always wanted to attend, even if it might be a bit too over-hyped for its own good. Something about attending a 200-year-old beer party to make you appreciate the value of sharing good beer with men in lederhosen and women with ample cleavage.

In honour of being green with envy, I wrote up a review of Ayinger’s Oktoberfest for this week’s Vue Weekly. It was one of those beer I approached with some hesitance – for two reasons. First, like many Ayinger products, it is considered among the best examples of the style, but I have sometimes been disappointed with them. They are good beer but often not the great beer they are claimed to be. That is in part due to the second reason for my hesitation. Traveling across the ocean and sitting in the various warehouses for who knows how long isn’t good for a beer. I knew for certain I wouldn’t get it at its prime. However, it was worth a shot.

I quite enjoyed it. It exemplified all I look for in an Oktoberfest. I salivate at the thought of drinking it fresh from a keg in a Munich beer hall. Alas, that is not to be, so I will enjoy my little private sliver of Oktoberfest.

Read the whole Vue review.